CHAPTER 28 (1/2 drafts)

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Narrator: Lizzie

The day of the camp arrives and Michael found himself sitting in the backseat of Wendy's mom's car. He was by the door, sitting next to Ellie who had her head leaning on his shoulder. There was a good number of them—Wendy, Ellie, Janette, Kurt, Dave, Carrie, Lizzie, Calum, Luke, Ashton, Seige, even Dylan was there with them. As the woods passed. by, Michael thought about what could happen that night. Was he actually hoping that things will finally unfold? Was something extraordinary going to happen that night? He wasn't sure.

When they got to the camp site, everyone immediately went out of the cars and started putting up the tents. Seige, Kurt and Ashton were trying to figure out how to use the long rods to make the tent stand, Wendy and the other girls started looking for wood to burn for their dinner and the traditional marshmallow "thing" people did at campfires.

Dylan appeared next to Michael, stretching his arms above his head. "So this is your squad, huh," he said. "They're pretty cool."

"They aren't really my squad. I'm just part of them and my real squad is the three other assholes you already know," Michael said. "Anyway, are you already starting to regret you came along?"

Dylan sighed, putting a hand on his waist. "So far? No."

"Good," Michael said.

It was hard for him to persuade Dylan into coming with them. He had to risk his colored hair for it. Dylan was never the guy to go to parties and big gatherings so asking him to come with them was a big thing for Michael. Luckily, he was able to persuade Dylan, well, after almost seven hours.

"But I swear, man," Dylan said. "If that Lizzie girl continues to annoy the hell out of me, she's dead meat."

"Easy, my friend," Michael said. "Ignore her. Pretend she isn't here."

"Yo, Michael! Come over and help, will ya?"

[Lizzie: i wonder who asked for help and what they needed help for

Calum: let's not talk about that let's talk about how ashton didn't know how to set up a tent! *laughs*

Ashton: for your damn information, do i look like a camper to you?

Dylan: easy now *laughs*

Lizzie: dead meat, huh. really nice of you, dyl

Dylan: don't blame the words on me, miss henderson

Lizzie: i know i know. okay next chapter?]

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