CHAPTER 28 (2/2 drafts)

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Narrator: Luke

The ride going to the campsite was quiet. Wendy had the radio on, playing Christmas songs since it was in the season. Ellie was sitting in the passenger's seat , sleeping. Michael, Carrie, Janette and Seige were in the backseat and Luke, Ashton were at the back, sitting on the van floor with their equipment.

In the other car, Lizzie, Dylan, Sophia and Kurt were altogether. Michael looked out the window. He liked the view a lot—there were so many trees, the sunset, the green and orange leaves—and today was different. No one was arguing. No one was sad and no one was being a complete jerk.

When they got to the camp site, everyone filed out of the cars. They all looked around.

"Amazing! It's so pretty here, guys!" Janette exclaimed as she touched the ground with her fingertips.

"Great job looking for this place," Ashton nodded, standing next to Michael.

It was a beautiful clearing with lots of trees around it, and it looked like a place where the wind could pass by effortlessly.

Dylan suddenly appeared by Michael's other side and sighed. "Someone tell Kurt to drive a little bit more slowly next time," he said, covering his mouth like he was about to puke.

He looked at Sophia and Lizzie who were also both obviously dizzy from the car ride with Kurt.

[Luke: oh my god ashton stop laughing so loud

Ashton: i couldn't help it! we all know kurt's a really bad driver!

Lizzie: i'm telling him you said that

Ashton: Lizzie—

Luke: shut up!]

"Kurt!" Michael called out. Kurt looked up from the trunk of his car and looked at him. "If you wanna kill someone, don't use our friends as test dummies next time! Drive slowly you asscanoe."

[Sophia: asscanoe? really?]

Kurt laughed loudly. "Jesus, sorry for that! I was having fun!"

Michael shook his head. "Sorry about Kurt. That kid's pretty messed up."

"Like you?" Dylan joked.

Michael chuckled. "Yeah, like us, asshole."

"Okay guys," Wendy said, catching everyone's attention. "Let's assign people to do stuff like who's setting up the tents, the firewood, the food, et cetera."

"The girls will do the food!" Ellie immediately said. "Seige, Michael, Ashton and Dylan, you guys pick up some firewood while Luke, Calum and Kurt will do the tents. Okay?"

Everyone nodded and started with their tasks. "Geez Louise, do you really take the girls' orders?" Dylan asked Michael as they walked deeper in the woods to find firewood.

Michael shrugged. "Most of the time," he said. "That's really how things go but when it's too much, we don't do it. Don't worry, Dyl. Welcome to the squad."

Dylan wasn't really keen on coming with them. Michael had to go through a lot of thinking on how to persuade Dylan into coming with them. Luckily, Dylan said yes. It was hard for Dylan to make friends. He was never the friendly one and no one really approached him when it came to introducing or making friends. It became hard for Dylan to communicate.

"Hey Luke, check this out," Ashton said

[Sophia: that's it?

Luke: yep. nothing follows

Calum: ohh dylan's playing hard to get in the squad

Dylan: first of all—

Calum: i don't need your explanation

Dylan: shut up calum.

Michael: i wonder what ashton wanted luke to see though. that was an interesting cut in the chapter

Lizzie: agreed. but oh well, that's all we got. who's next?

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