CHAPTER 27 (2/2 drafts)

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Narrator: Michael

5 Weeks After

I guess sometimes in life, you lose so many things. But the important thing is, you still hold on and keep moving. People will make you feel like you're on top of the world and people will make you feel like the most worthless one to walk the earth.

One day, people would know your story and either say 'Wow, that guy's been through so much but he's still okay' or 'What a pity. He let every single bad thing in his life ruin him. I hope he's okay.' But I don't think I care anymore. In the end, the only people who care are your true friends and/or maybe your family. And you have to cherish that because not everything in this world is permanent. Even you are temporary.

And sometimes, people are like fireworks--they show up, surprise you, amaze you, then, they're gone. But that isn't a reason for you to lose hope.

Leighton has been the center of my being. My world revolved around her. She was the angel of my nightmare. She brought extreme pain and happiness in the most unforgettable ways. She made me feel like the most important person in the whole world. She was the one who made me look like a lost puppy in front of everyone who knew about what happened to us. She knocked me off my feet. And the worst part is... I still loved her anyway. It took me so long to move on. I guess maybe it's because I thought we were meant to be. Maybe it was because I thought we could be. And maybe it was because I was too overwhelmed with the beautiful words I hear about us and from her.

But she left anyway.

Lizzie was a newfound beauty. She was amazing. Something in her attracted me. I guess it's how raw and truthful she was. Even if she was just acting like herself, all sassy and shit, I still liked her. The way she's been ignoring me has helped me and hurt me in some kind of way. Maybe ignoring me helped me to not fall hard when I was about to. Maybe ignoring me made me feel like there actually was something between us. Maybe ignoring me made me feel like she hated me and despised me. Maybe ignoring me was also the way she communicated with me. But even though she ignored me (and is still ignoring me) for so long, I still like her anyway.

Carrie was too good for me. Everyone knew it. I knew that some of my classmates called me a douche once or twice because I turned her down. But I hope they realize that I can't force myself to like someone I don't. I hope they realize that peer pressure is something that actually happens and it fucks up people's emotions. Carrie's beautiful and almost perfect--just not my kind of perfect.

And to the people have caused me to hold grudges over them, I just hope they realize what they had to do when they knew someone was hurting badly.

[Luke: that was beautiful

[Ashton: dude you look stupid pretending to cry

[Luke: hey, it's called practicing my acting skills]

Michael put down his notebook. He let his eyes scan his room, christmas lights hung from the ceiling. It made him feel the season even more. Christmas was around and he was on break from school. His birthday was weeks ago and even if he found out Lizzie texted him, she still continued to ignore him. It was okay because Michael was content of what he had.

His phone started ringing on his nightstand. He bent over to check who was calling.

Ellie is calling... It said with a matching photo of her displayed on the screen.

He picked it up and answered.

"Hellooo! Merry Christmas!!!!!"

Michael pulled the phone away from his ear to avoid the deafening sound of Ellie's voice. "Hey, Ellie. Merry Christmas. How's vacation so far?"

"Oh fine, fine. It's only been two days, Michael," she laughed. "Anyway, I called for another reason. You see, we've planned a sort of camp down the woods at the eastern side of town. Dave, Kurt, Carrie and I went down there yesterday and found a good place to camp. Wanna come?"

Michael was always into camping but his mom was always cautious about it. "Uh, sure? Maybe? Who's coming?"

"Oh just me, Janette, Wendy, Lizzie, Carrie, Kurt, Seige, Calum, Ashton, Sophia, Luke maybe, and uh, Kurt mentioned a friend of yours. He's asking if your friend wants to come and it's fine with us too."

Michael furrowed his eyebrows. Friend of mine? Then he remembered. "Ah, Dylan! Sure. I'll ask him. Thanks for inviting, Ellie."

"Sure, sure," she said. "I really hope you could come. Bye, Michael!"

Michael stared at his phone, thinking whether he should go or not. Lizzie was going to be there. But then again, the most important people in his life would be there. The dilemma was driving him crazy so he put his phone down and lay on his bed, staring at the blank ceiling. He suddenly remembered the time when he and Calum were laying on the cold floor during camp a few years back and Calum said 'what if something suddenly comes out of the wall and kills us?' and out of fear Michael accidentally admitted that he likes corn.

[Calum: oh god i remember that! HAHAHAHA

[Michael: talk about major humiliation]

Michael smiled. After graduation, they'd all be going separate ways and they'll all be starting to make new memories with new people in new places. Michael wasn't ready for it.

And after a few more minutes of staring at the wall under his sheets, sleep called for Michael and he obeyed.

[Dylan: well that was short

[Michael: i think it's almost like a closing chapter

[Calum: told you i should've read this one

[All: shut up cal]

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