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He scores points like Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan combined. Strong and powerful like Captain America. Hardworking like Bob the builder. And good looking like me. He is my FATHER.

Glenn De Jesus Forbes, is my father. My father who never ran away from his responsibilities to our family, who never fails to provide us our daily needs, and sacrifices his time to work just so he can provide, still manages to teach us good moral and values.

He was born on May 26,1975 in Manila. He has 3 siblings, and he is the older of them. He studied at Espiritu Santo Parachial School in his primary until secondary level, and was part of its varsity in basketball .He continued his tertiary education at Centro Escolar University, and took up Commerce Management. He is an undergraduate and works under his compadre.

My dad lived a simple life with his family. They had a small carinderia and a sari-sari store. Coming from an ordinary family makes my dad a simple person who knows how to appreciate things whether it is small or a huge one. He is family oriented like my mother. He also never hesitate to help a relative in need.

Even if my father did not finish up his college degree, I know and I can see that he is hardworking and does everything he can to provide us our needs and wants. Even if there are many challenges, degrading remarks from others and other dilemmas, my father faces all of it, conquers it and prove them wrong.

My dad is my other guidance, food buddy, etc. I also consider him as my "laptop enemy" since we always fight for the right to use MY laptop. Even if we are like that, I love him and will just laugh it off in the end.

I am thankful to God that he made Glenn De Jesus Forbes as my PROCREATOR.

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