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Who is caring to you if your father and mother is not around? Who will tell you an interesting stories, that makes you laugh, smile and happy? Who loves you the most and spoils you? Of course, My Grandparents.

My grandparents knows best. I love the way they treated me if my parents is not around. The way they care about my health, life and happiness. The way they spoil me the things I like to buy. And lastly the way the loved me.

Mother Side

My grandparents in Mother side are MARIA FELECIANO MAGSALIN-VALDEZ and ENERSTO VALDEZ UY. My grandparents in mother side I didn't see them because they died already. I don't have memories and experiences with them. My Lolo died first because of Respiratory disease. He didn't see me either touch me. But according to my mother my lolo Ernesto is very helpful to his "kamag-anak" and friends. My Lolo Ernesto had One sister only. He loves his sister. My lolo is working to automotive shops. According to my Tito and tita my Lolo is very thoughtful to others.

Meanwhile my Lola in mother side named MARIA FELECIANO MAGSALIN-VALDEZ. My lola Mary is also thoughtful, helpful to others. She had 8 siblings. She likes to cook either and to take care small kids. My Lola is very kind to her "kamag-anak". Even they don't have enough money, she even helps her other "kamag-anak" by financial problems. I didn't see either my lola. Because she died before my 1st birthday, December 11, 2000. She died by accident. While she is preparing my birthday in 21st of December at Jollibee. While she is walking to the pedestrian lane one bus hit her. And that's the story that I never wanted to recall. Because even one picture or memory in my Lola and Lolo I don't have. But I know God have a plan. But I am thankful even I didn't saw them.

Father Side

My grandparents in Father side are ANGELO LOPEZ FORBES and JUILETA DE JESUS FORBES. My daddy and mommy. I love the way they treated me and care me. I love the way they cared about me. My Daddy Angelo Born January 14, 1954. My Daddy loves to eat and to travel like me. He is thoughtful to all is friends and kamag-anak. He loves his Apo. I have a lot of memories with my daddy. He is the first one who teaches me how to swim and to use bicycle. He is the one who with me in my circumscion. A lot of memories I have with him. And I'm thankful about it.

Meanwhile my Mommy named Juileta De Jesus. My mommy is thoughtful to me. Sometimes she cooks for me/us if my parents are not around. My mommy has a carinderia at Parkway. She manage that carinderia with my tito. She loves to cook delicious foods for us. My Mommy born November 1, 1953. I have a lot experience with her also. But I'm not very close to her. Because she have favoritism. But I love her even she have favorite apo.

COGNATES' LOVE will never grow old

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