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"Its play time"

"Teacher let's make cookies and play computer."

That is my lines when I am in preparatory stage. I always want to play and bake. I studied at St. Therese. This school is just small and it's like a house. This is located at our village at Parkway Village. There are many activities I enjoy. In this stage I am very playful in this stage. I love to play every day but I love to participate in class. I finished my preparatory stage VALIDICTORIAN.



"A new experience in life,

New classmate to play with

And new teachers to listen to. "

I am very nervous to go to school after my graduation in preparatory. Because it's new chapter of my life and this stage I am to childish and to young. I studied at Infant Jesus Learning Academy in grade 1. I am very nervous because this is the first time I studied at big schools and of course without my mother. I am independent in this stage. I am to shy and nervous to recite and to talk in front of the class. A new environment to face. I am too shocked because the school is quit big and the school activities are fun and also the fieldtrip. He gym was bag and very beautiful. One experience I remember when we dance in amoranto theatre I think the arnis dance and we won 2nd place against grade 2 and 3. We are very happy about that. One person I remember and still I have communication to her, but now we are not very close because I transfer when I am in grade 2, Andrie Concepcion. My best friend when I am in grade 1. We're very close to each other. She is like my sister in different parent. We help each other and we have many secrets when we are in grade 1. But now we are not very close because we did not see each other and she studied at UST. But I am thankful that we have communication by social media. Of course I enjoy my 1st grade in elementary even thou that I am very small and chubby.

After a wonderful experience I transfer when I am in grade 2. I studied at Bresee Nazarene School. This school is not famous because this school is near at my house and this school is located at our village only. It's a Christian school were in a it is like an house actually it's a house and have a church above. This school was small but I have many experiences. I start too studied when I am grade 2; new environment, classmates and teachers again. I am quit nervous because my cousin is the one and only I know here at the room. Traditional way to start a school year, of course know each other.

" Hi I am John Bennedict V. Forbes."

That is my line when I introduce myself. Because I am nervous of new environment and classmates and teachers infront of me. But I am very happy when the day goes by. New school activities I experiences. Cheer dance and intramurals, this is the part of my life that I enjoy when I am in elementary days. And it's like 1-2 months to prepare in these activities. We always prepare new routines in our cheer dance, new costumes and new concept. I have the best experience here at elementary days.

I also meet my 2 bestfriends; Rianne Elise Baetiong and Jelenah Marisse Asignado. We are very close each other.

Rianne is very quit and also I called her Dead kid. She does want to talk to anybody around her. She is a typical girl that she doesn't know the word GROOMING; because she does not comb her hair and fix herself.

She doesn't care about her looks. Even thou she is like that I love her the way she was. Because she is very thoughtful, kind, moody and she loves me very much. She loves to read books and manga. Even thou that now we are not in the same school we always communicate to each other.

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