Chapter twenty-four: Forgive me

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It wasn't it.

A solid black motorcycle stood proudly before us. I glanced down at the rims, only to see black. And I walked in a circle around it, and didn't see a single Juice box sticker. And no flames were painted along the sides.

So Noah wasn't a Flame Rider after all. Why did I feel so disappointed?

"Like it?" Noah asked, grinning.

I cleared my throat and nodded. "Y-yeah. It's um...shiny." I said, petting it.

Noah chuckled and covered it with its sheet. "Not what you expected?"

I shook my head, waving away his concern. "It's nothing." I mumbled.

"I know it's different from the motorcycles you're used to, being best buddies with the Flame Riders and all." Noah said, nudging me.

I rolled my eyes. "We aren't buddies. I don't even know their faces." I muttered sourly.

So I am now back to phase one.

I sighed and followed Noah out of the garage, he flicked off the light and locked the door.

"Come on, I'll let you borrow some of my clothes."


"I thought you were dead!" Rachel shrieked when she answered the door.

I winced, and prepared myself for the verbal assault that would surely follow.

I stood in front of Rachel's large, well kept house in Noah's sweatpants and hoodie. After he had dropped me off, he had sped away saying about how he was late to meet with his friends.

"I know, I'm so sorry." I said, holding out my arms for a hug.

Rachel broke and lunged at me, encasing me in a hug. "I'm so glad your okay." She mumbled.

I buried my face in her hair. "I'm sorry," I repeated. "For everything." For forcing her out of her comfort zone, for not reaching out, for dragging her into this mess in the first place. 

Rachel pulled away. "It's alright. I'm just glad we made it out alive. But..." she frowned. "Where did you run off to?"

"Noah took me home."

Her eyes widened. I scoffed. "Not like that. I was drugged."


"I'm okay, Rachel!" I laughed, grabbing onto her.
"Why didn't you ask Jay where I was?"

Rachel pulled away from me, suddenly back to Angry Rachel. "I would have. But the problem is that as soon as Jay brought us to his apartment, Stacy and him disappeared into his room and didn't come out since!" Rachel shivered and hugged her arms. "I heard...things..."

I tried hard not to laugh at Rachel's probably horrid night.

"How about we go to my place? I'll tell you all about what happened to me."

Rachel frowned, then crossed her arms. Even though she wore a pink night gown and bunny slippers, Rachel could be tough when she wanted to.

"I'm buy you pizza and a big tub of Nutella."

Rachel's stony face broke into a grin. "Heck yes! Let me get dressed and we'll leave." She said, then hurried back into her house.


"So Noah isn't a Flame Rider?" Rachel asked, sitting crosslegged on my bed spooning Nutella into her mouth.

I nodded, typing away at my laptop. "His motorcycle was just...normal. No flames, no cute stickers, and no colored rims." I said, sighing.

Rachel pouted and put aside the Nutella, diving for the pizza box next. "That's disappointing. I thought it would turn into one of those romance novels. And you two would ride away into the sunset on the back of his motorcycle." Rachel cooed, batting her eyelashes.

At the look of horror on my face, Rachel broke character and laughed.
"I'm kidding Hanna. Chill."

I turned back to my computer and continued to read an article on the side effects of being roofed. Roofied? Roofie?
The drug that carrot-top put in my water.

Suddenly, loud footsteps bounded down the hall and a moment later my door flew open to show a panting CJ.

His hair and clothes were messy and unwashed, and dark shadows rimmed his eyes.
When his gaze fell on us, he cried out in relief and leapt forward.

"I thought you were dead!" He cried.

"Why did everyone think I was dead?" I mused, watching as CJ streaked across the room and grabbed Rachel into a tight hug.

"I wasn't worried about you." CJ said, glancing back at me. "I've seen you on Black Friday. I was talking about Rachel."

"Wow. I'm just feeling the love." I mumbled.

Rachel hugged CJ back and rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry we scared you CJ." She mumbled. CJ just squeezed her tighter.

I pressed my lips together to stop a smirk from forming as I turned back to my laptop.
"Just tell me if I have to leave the room." I called.

Instantly, they jumped away from each other like they got electrocuted and stared down at their shoes.

"Oh shut up Hammy." CJ mumbled. I chuckled and stood up, heading towards my closet.

"Rachel, can you fill him in on what happened while I get changed?" I called over my shoulder.

"Why are you changing...?"

"Because I need a bit of normalcy right now. How bout we go to the mall?"

Rachel and CJ exchanged gleeful smiles as I closed the closet door.

I clicked on the light and heard Rachel talking in hushed tones with CJ. I rolled my eyes as I wandered farther into my closet; it didn't take a detective to figure out that CJ had a small crush on Rachel, he's been like that since 4th grade.

But it's Rachel I was worried about. She's been sending googly-eyes at Jonas, and as nice as he is...he's still a player.

I scowled and ripped a purple hoodie from a hanger.
Why can't the world just be normal again?

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