My Dad

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I lay there on my bed just thinking... Just wondering what freedom from my dad would be like.

"Why can't I just be a normal kid that lives a normal bloody life without the fears of a god damn detective!"

I roll around on my bed turning over and over and over. I can't sleep! Maybe if I go on my computer for a bit Ill get my mind strait. Tomarow I have my first day at a new school. My father transfered me to a different school ONLY because Sherlock knew that I went there. He had found out about me last year when I was in the park wondering around minding my own buisness and I accidentally walked right into him!

He knew who I was right from the look of my face that I was a Moriarty... Of course he bloody did. I despise Sherlock Holmes and his little friend John Watson. And I very very much despise how Sherlocks always deducting everyone everywhere he goes. He dosn't care about any fucking thing. Well there you go.. A sociopath for you.

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