The Hospital

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I woke up in a hospital bed with a bandage wrapped around my hand and alittle around my wrist. 'Burn' I thought. Dad wasn't there though. I don't blame him, I was an ass to him. Then I ran off. I can see why he would be mad.

But I felt fine. Only a few not very minor burns. I had to wait a day before I went home but my dad is a jerk most of the time and I'm starting to think its because of me... I left the hospital around 2 the next day and just continued my life without my dad.

I mean... Its not like he would care or anything.

Jim Moriartys POV

My boy was gone. The one person in my life that meant so much to me. I saw on the news a building that burnt down and there was a 14 year old in the building that got out alive and it wasn't my boy.

Andy was 15. Not 14. And why would he do something SO STUPID as to going in a building FILLED with gasoline... Hes a pretty dumb kid that way but he can be a real smart kid to.

I sat on the couch next to Sebastian.

"You ok, boss?"

"Of course.."

"Ok. Just making sure."

"NO IM NOT OK!! MY BOY IS GONE! All because of me..."

"Calm down Jim! He'll come back.."

"Well what if he dosn't..."

"He will. Ill make sure of it."

Jim Moriartys SonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora