School Busses Suck

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I woke up from the sound of the alarm playing a stupid song that represents my dad which just happens to be called Im a crazy weirdo and I'm calling you. As I hear the sound go off I imidiatly turn it off. God I hate that song.

"What time is it!" I look over to the clock.. "Fucking 6 AM!! Dammit..." I walk over to the mirror and comb my hair alittle bit. It's just sort of a dark brown. I happen to look ALOT like my dad though. I almost look nothing like my mum.

I GEUSS I just have a thing with my fathers looks... Which I don't have a problem with. I just get on a simple white polo shirt with blue jeans and walk casually downstairs.

"Morning dad." I say as I go in the kitchen.

"Morning. Ready for school then?"

"Does it look like it? I don't usually dress this well." I say as I roll my eyes.

"Of course. You should start though. It makes you look like a true Moriarty. You look civil for once in your life."

"Dad please! I look civil no matter what I freaking wear!"

"Watch your language there Andrew!"

I roll my eyes and say "Whatever.."I grab a peice of toast, grab my backpack and walk out the door without even saying goodbye. Im always a jerk. Im surprised dad never gets VERY angry. He gets mad quite often but not as much as he used to.

I walk to the bus stop which is only a few blocks away. And not surprised seeing I'm the only one there. About 3 minutes later the bus arrives.

"Bloody hell..." I look at the bus and wait for the door to open. And yes I have a habit of saying that quite often. The bus door opens and I climb on.

"Name.." The bus driver says. Jeez she looks freaking 80!

"Andrew." I reply.

"Last name.."

"Moriarty." Right when I said that I felt eyes looking at me everywhere I went.

"Take a seat."

I started walking to the back of the bus. I was a 9th grader. It was my first year in high school. Im 15 though. Most of the 9th graders are 14 and some even 16! I walked to the back of the bus.

"Can I sit here?" I asked a kid who looked about my age. Alittle younger. He had blonde hair. "Uh..." I saw him mouthing words to a few others and finally agreed to let me. He was silent the entire way to school. And most of the kids on the bus were looking at me and whispering things in other people's ears.

The bus stopped and I got off.. Everyone else running into the building. "Jeez.. not so happy today then." I said that talking to myself when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and they were wearing a long dark coat and a dark blue scarf... I knew exactly who it was.

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