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I turned around seeing a tall man with a long dark coat and a blue scarf. I knew exactly who it was.

It was Sherlock Holmes.

I looked at Sherlock for a few seconds and decided to run. What was I thinking? Running from Sherlock Holmes.. I got to my locker and quickly opened it. I was a bit out of breath but whatever. I made sure I looked alittle better than I did before and walked to class. Everything seemed normal walking in the halls only because nobody knew who I was. Except for on the bus. I walked into class and some eyes met me. Then the whole class started starring at me. I wanted to yell and say 'What are you bloody look at?' And casually walk to my seat like nothing happend but I just stood there.

"OH! You must be Andrew!" My teacher looked at me and so did alit of others. But there was one who stood out the most.

My teacher Mrs. R was speaking to me but I wasn't listening. I was looking at someone and when their eyes met mine I payed attention. "Sorry what?" I said. That got a few laughs.

"You will be sitting next to Olivia. She sits over there." Pointing towards the girl I had my eyes on.

Whyyyyyy! Why her out of all the 25 people in this classroom! WHYY! I gulped and went to sit down. "Class this is Andrew Moriarty-" I felt eyes looking my way after that last word was said.

I just didnt pay attention to my teacher at all. I was only concentrating on what the people were simpering might say. This was going to be a loooooonnngggg year...

*A/N* Sorry for such a short chapter! Ill continue writing this in a bit! The next chapter will be longer. I promiss!

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