The end is near

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Andrews POV

I was my dad just sitting there tied to a chair and suddenly a light turned on above me.

"Well if it isn't midget Andrew..." I recognized his voice again. WHO WAS IT! It was the guy who I tried to break his arm but didnt. Cutos to me. BUT WHAT WAS HIS NAME!

"Who are you and what have you done to my dad..."

"Oh I didn't do anything to hurt daddy overhere..."

"Yet" I heard him say in a soft voice.



"OH! Small kid with big words? Whucha' gonna do? Tickle me to death?" The unknown man walked over to me.

"Moran. Sebastian Moran." He said. I heard that name many times. Dads always talking about how great he is and now SEBASTIAN MORAN HIMSELF BETRAYED HIM!

I punched I'm in the gut and ran over to my dad taking out my nife. I started to cut through the rope the. Felt a gun to my head.

"Yeah.. I wouldn't if I were you." Seb had a tone in his voice every time he spoke that just made it sound like 'Drop Dead'. He must have a gift... And not a very good one.

I put my hands up and stood where I was. Then he started to walk backwards so I did as well.

Then Sebastian walked over to dad and out the gun to his head. He woke up slowly opening his eyes. Getting used to the bright light that shined over him.

"Andrew..." He said in a low and whispery voice. "Im sorry." My eyes got red and glossy. I never thought Jim Moriarty himself would say he was sorry to anyone. Even his own son.

"Dad! You don't need to be sorry! THIS IS MY FAULT!" I yelled. I started to cry and dropped to the floor. Sebastian came over and picked me up by my arm.

"Lets see how much daddy likes it to see you get tortured."

"DONT. You. Hurt him..." Each word dad said got softer and lower than before.

Sebastian pulled me over to a wall and chained my wrist to the wall. 'Who the hell has a chain in a wall!?' I thought.

Next thing I knew, Sebastian was loading his gun. He punched me in the stomach. Then another punch. Next he aimed for my face. Punch after punch after punch. He took out his nife and slid a big line down my arm, from the middle of my arm down to my wrist. I was determined not to show pain. Thats what dad tryed to teach me all these years.

Then He made a cut so deep in my right arm that he sliced before I screamed and I started to cry. The cut was in the bottom of my hand and it felt like I was stabbed in the hand. I wasn't but maybe that can give you an idea on how deep the cut was.

I remember the nife I had in my pocket and attempted to reach it. To much pain. I couldn't touch anything without a feeling of pain shoot up through my arm each time I moved.

I had to save my dad though. I could see in his eyes he was scared and he didnt know what to do. I have never seen him scared before. He was looking at my mouthing something.

Then I realized. He was telling my to grab the key in some way. When Sebastian came over to me I tripped him, grabbed the gun from his hand and shot the chain. Better than a key. And Sherlock is always deducing so.. Im sorry for this but I just have to say it.

Much better than a goddamn deduction... I got free and untied my dad. He could barley stand up. I helped him up. And called 911. I helped my dad outside. Blood streaming from his head and blood gushing from my arm, especially my hand.

The police arrived and so did an ambulance. And so did... it kills me to say it.. Sherlock and John. I sat up on the ambulance and my dad was taken to the hospital. I needed stitches but didnt care at the moment.

Then I saw Olivia and Sherlock walking towards me.

"Andrew!" She yelled and hugged me. I hugged back.

"How's your dad?" She asked.

"He should be fine." Sherlock spoke up finally saying "Andrew this is Olivia."

"Yeah.. we uh, met." I said.

"She's my, Grandaughter." My eyes widened. I was shocked..

"Sherlock can I go get something quickly?" She asked.

"Of course." Olivia started to walk across the street but didnt look both ways. A truck carrying food was heading strait towards her and he wasn't stopping.

Andrew got up and ran towards her, pushing her out of the way along with him just in time. They both ended up in the ground but both were fine.

"Oh my god." She said.

"Yeah..." I was getting shaky and she could tell. Then she looked at me, I looked at her and we kissed. Andrew saved a life... Kissed the girl of his dreams and saved his father. Something hes always wanted to do.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2014 ⏰

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