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I walked home from school that day. Honestly.. It really wasn't far at all. Once I got to the apartment my dad was standing right inside the door. Oddly enough there was a police man sitting on the couch.

"Have a good day at school Andy?" My father wasn't acting normal. As if something happend.

"Uh.. It could have been better. Who he?" I said pointing to the police officer.

"Andrew Moriarty, your under arrest for the murder of Kathrine Blake."

A/N This Kathrine person is made up ok?? Just letting you people know.

"What are you talking about? I didn't murder anyone!" The officer cuffed me and started escorting me out the door. "DAD! YOU HAVE TO BELEIVE ME! I DIDN'T MURDER ANYONE! I SWEAR K DIDN'T!!" I started yelling.

I knew that name though. From um... whats it called. OH! Yeah.. I knew her from camp in 4th grade. She was awesome. We were really good friends and I was at her house last week. Wow...

"Please.. I didn't murder anyone! Why would I murder my BEST FRIEND! UNHAND ME!" I started to squirm.

"We found your ffingerprints on the nife at the crime scene."

That's were my fucking nife went!

"BLOODY HELL SOMEONES FRAMING ME! Yeah it's probably my nife but I only had it with me that one day to protect her!" My eyes started getting red and glossy.

"Tell it to the judge." He shoved me in the police car and we drove off. Of course I'm the first person they suspect. I have so many words trapped inside me I wanted to scream but kept myself from doing so.

I could hear the officer talking on his walkie talkie.

"Well than Andrew it's your lucky day! I have a call about a robbery."

I started to tear up alittle again.

"Quit your crying! Your the one who killed her in the first place!"

"I... Did no such thing." I said to the officer calmly.

"Your a murder.. and a lier.."

Ok. At this moment I really DID want to kill this guy. I was in the cop car for 20 minutes and no sign of the officer. Then I heard ticking and a bomb went off. The car flew in the air and rolled down a hill.

I got up out of my seat and broke the window by kicking my foot. For a cop car it wasn't very strong. I jumped out and saw it roll down a hill.

"Great." I said annoyed.

I found a sharp stick and picked the lock. Dad had taught me how to pick a lock with anything sharp I could find. I started walking up the hill and the cops were.. gone? "Haha... cowards." I started walking down the streets and I suddenly felt like I was being watched for some reason. I turned around. No one.

"What the fuck!" I yelled. I just kept walking and then... I heard sirens. And started running. I was able to get home in time. I ran inside and went to my room.

"I'm not a murderer.. I'm not!" My dad heard me and came in my room.

"Andrew? What are you doing here? I thought you were with the police!"

"No.. the car flipped over and I jumped out before it hit the ground, heard sirens and ran home.. Problem?"

"No." He walked out.

Great... now I'm wanted by the fucking police! My dad came in the room again. He had a really angry look in his eyes. Then he walked over to me.

"Dad? What.. what are you doing?" I asked as politely as I could.

Uh oh... Dads angry again. Fucking hell! I hate it when he yells. Then a man walked in behind him.

"Andy there's someone I want you to meet."

"Moran. Sebastian Moran." He said.

"Retired military officer. Im Andrew" I put out my hand for him to shake. He did.

"How did you-"

"You used your surname first to introduce yourself."

"Jim you have a smart kid there."

"He can be smart at times. And stupid at others. He makes some bad choices to but that hasn't happend since.. He was around 8." Dad looked at me but I kept my eyes on the floor.

Dad left my room and Seb stayed. "What.." I asked.

"Nothing. I just wanted to know more about you."

"Why... Why out of all the people in the world you wanna know more about ME?"

"Your my boss's son."

"And that changes anything?" I just wanted him to leave. He walked over to me with a nife in his hand. Jim said you could be a Jerk but he never said you mouth about things that don't mean much." He grabbed my arm.

"Let me go!"

"Come downstairs." He put the nife away. Probably just to scare me. I didn't put up a fight. I listened. We went downstairs and dad was making tea. I squirmed out of Sebs grip and walked away from him.

"I'm going." I said.

"Where?" My fathers voice was calm and that wasn't normal.


Jim Moriartys SonWhere stories live. Discover now