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"Dammit." I wispered so Sherlock couldn't hear.

"Happy to see me then?" Sherlock grinned.

"Not. At. All." I said in deducts rolling my eyes. Sherlock say down looking rather uncomfortable.

"Why did you kill her..." I just scoffed at what he had just said.

"You! You think I killled her..? Yeah. That happend." I said that sarcastically, hoping Sherlock would get the idea.

"Then tell me Mr. Moriarty. Do you think I'm foolish?"

"Yes. Infact since you braught it up... VERY!" I started to smile quite evily.

"I didn't kill her. Why would I kill my best friend. Well.. was." The truth is, I don't have many friends. Only because of my last name people are afraid to be around me. I got up making Sherlock get up as well. I walked over to Sherlock looking him in the eye.

"I wonder what would happen if I said I did kill her. Even though I didn't." Sherlock just looked at me not getting a word I said.

"Guilty then are we Andy?" I grabbed Sherlock by his coat collar and pushed him against the wall.

"Only my father has rights to call me that!" I yelled in his face then let go of his collar.

"Then you have alot of explaining to do Andrew."

"What do I need to explain?! I haven't dont SHIT!"

"Watch that time of language! Just try to explain! In your best words.." I looked at Sherlock and he looked back at me then I started to explain.

"I was at school today. I was at home all week. When was she killed."

"3 days ago."

"BLOODY HELL! I swear I WILL kill the person who killed her." My voice is calming down now. And I started looking at the floor and headed back to my seat. I even felt a tear run down my face.

"Jim Moriartys son... Crying? How pitiful.." Sherlocks tone was enough to annoy anyone.

"No. Of course not." I got up and started walking out the door. When I opened the door I did something I have never thought of doing in my life. And something I was never planning to in my life.

I might be a Moriarty but I was never planning to turn out like my dad. I opened the door and a few guards were standing there. I punched one in the face, knocked the others on the ground and ran.

Jim Moriartys SonWhere stories live. Discover now