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Hey guys! I just want to thank everybody who has been so supportive and consistant with my stories and me. I would give out shout-outs but I've tried like 2 times and both times they got deleted and their are so many people I don't know if I could do it again. So just know, whoever comments sweet notes and starring my chapters or just follows it in general, is my absalute superstar! I love you all so much. I right these stories for you guys and Im happy you enjoy them😊
So today I want to just tell you guys about my self👍👍 I thought it would be kind of cool...so...yeah here we go.. (sorry if this is boring😂)

Hi! My name is Keeley Bingham, but on any social media I will go by Kasidy Clay or Kass.

I have a twin sister named Kacey and an older sister named J'nae.

I was born in Tennessee.

When I was 5 years old, I started kindergarten, but I wasn't learning as fast as some of the other kids, my mom found out I had dyslexia so it was very hard for me to learn how to read.
But I was a huge fighter and by 5th grade I had worked my way up to college reading level :) I was happy and my parents were very proud so they took me out of IEP which was a learning booster in school. I no longer had to get taken out of class, I got to learn with other kids.

But I was still falling behind slightly, I didn't think that much of school and I didn't think it was important, so I didn't care if I was failing a classor not.

But when I reached 6th grade, I was presented with an opertunity. It was concert band, and it was huge at school. So I started and my dad got me private lessons to play saxaphone. Which was ironic because I ended up being chosen as a clarinet because I could play on a reed😂
Anyway... Band taught me alot in life, and without I probably wouldn't have passed middle school.
I know what most people would say about band, (it's filled with a bunch of nerds) I want to tell you THATS NOT TRUE! It's just filled with people who want and know what is coming next after high school.
Band made me realize how hard I needed to work for education and how blessed I was to have the opportunity to learn.

Okay back to what I was saying before... In six grade I had had alot of trouble. Well first off I must say, when I was in 3rd grade, I was diagnosed with asthma (a breathing diability) so I took alot of medications. In 6th grade some of those meds gave me suicidal thoughts and actions. I got very depressed and decided the world wasn't meant to have me in it. (I don't want to get into details right now because I am a very happy person and I want everybody to feel happy while reading this)

Okay, so when I hit 8th grade, it was my last year of middle school, I had THE GREATEST techer ever, his name was Dr. Keller and he is my hero. He actually gave a speech, telling us how he felt when one of his students had committed suicide and that made me realize that life is so sacred and it made me want to share my happiness with the rest of the world.

I still love his to this day.

After middle school, I had worked my way up in education, and I was actually considered very smart to alot of people, it made me feel very happy considering how I started.

The summer of eight grade, I decided to go on and do marching band at a high school called Franklin high. It is one of the best marching bands in the nation so I was very exited.
Not to mention the Franklin marching band had some of the smartest people in the school and they are giving so much tuition money for college so that was a plus plus.

I met some of my grades friends through this experience and the community is great.

So a couple years before this, I had started watching ATLA because of a bet I lost with my sister. It had opened my eyes to the world and I was happy to get started in the fandom.
Can I just say, this fandom has one of my favorite communities ever! I love the people I love you guys!

Okay, so there was just a briefing on me, 😂 I'm sorry you had to go through that..
But I just want to say, thank you you guys are truly awesome and I am probably going to delete this after a day or two so read quickly

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