Chapter 11

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*Keefe's POV*

Her words echo in my mind. "I choose you." Over. And over. And over.

Could it really mean what I thought it meant? Could it really be me?

I whisper, "Wwhat do you mean?" My voice trembling.

Foster stares at me with her gorgeous brown eyes, wide in fear.

"I choose you," she repeats, whispering too. "Keefe, I think it's been pretty obvious, I've always liked you. I can't even begin to explain how I feel for you. You've made me feel emotions I've never thought possible. Emotions I never knew existed. I've been through so much pain and suffering, and I'd go through it all again just to be with you. Because you are everything. I, I love you"

My heart swells at her words,  and suddenly nothing can stop me from pressing my lips to hers.

How often I've wanted to do this. How long I've desperately been waiting for her to say those words.

She may not be able to describe how she feels, but what she feels I feel, and I know she feels the same as I do.

My heart is bursting with joy. I'm overwhelmed with emotions. For once I don't even know what I am feeling, what these emotions are.

Only Foster can do this to me.

*Sophie's POV*

He's kissing me!!!


My mind is on overload. I can't think. I can't even breathe.

My heart is skipping beats. My stomach is doing flips.

I'm flying. I'm flying free, yet still grounded here in his arms.

I'm beyond rational thinking. My thoughts fly out of my head. I'm feeling emotions I've never felt; I'm seeing colors I've never seen.

There's no way to describe this. Because this, this is everything.

The way his lips move on mine.

One hand is winded in my hair, and the other rests on my waist, sending sparks shouting through my body.

My arms are wrapped around his neck, pulling us closer, but not close enough.

Keefe breaks the kiss, but still holds onto me.

My lips tingle. We're both breathing heavy. Keefe's hair is out of place, and his face flushed.

His eyes are glowing, sparkling. He's smiling the biggest smile I've ever seen him smile. I realize, I am too.

Both of us are the happiest we've ever been. This means the world to us.

"I love you Sophie."

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