Chapter 4

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"What?" Jack looked at me with utter berwilderment. He had no idea.

"Where did you say this was?"


"No. That's not possible. I couldn't imagine this. Woking isn't like this. Why am I dreaming this?" I began to raise my voice as my reality, or Dreamworld reality at least, was being torn apart. I couldn't bare to see any more. It was already terrifying enough to see my home town as a barren wasteland. I didn't want to go any further. I tried to pinch myself over and over, desparately trying to get back.

"What do you mean, 'dreaming this'? You're not making any sense. You said you were here to join the school, so that's where I'm taking you! Come on, and keep quiet, they'll here you!"

"Whose they? There shouldn't be a 'they'! There shouldn't be you! I never knew you! You're not real! I should be back, in the purple room, with clouds circling above me, drawing pictures, not here!" I couldn't help myself from shouting, even though I could here the crunching of twigs under running feet steadily heading towards us.

"Now you've done it!" Jack looked to face the oncoming figures, raising his hand up like some sort of criminal. I cowared behind him, trembling, fearing all that had passed, and what was yet to come. I wished to be awake and out of this place. I wished to be with Georgie, running so as not to be late for school. I wanted Mum.

Hands paralysed my arms a I struggeld to get free, but I wa shoved to the ground along side Jack before I could do anything. I kicked and screamed, though I was able to see nothing. Something was jabbed into my arm, and I felt my eyes closing. Slowly, slowly as I drifted away.

I must have been a few hours since I had been knocked out, for I woke up with a morning ray of sunshine pouring over my face. I squinted my eyes at the sudden shock of daylight, but nevertheless rose up quickly, wanting to know where I was, and who I was with.

"Oh good, you're awake. Now I can torment you with the guilt in what you did last night." Jack was sitting slumped in a corner of what seemed to be a prison cell, looking extremely miserable.

"Huh? I didn't do anything. What are you on about?"

"You know perfectly well."

"No I don't!"

He looked up at me, suddenly moved from his miserable mood, grinning pathetically. "You screamed and 'elped 'em find us." he quite literally sang it like a nursery rhyme, which was odd considering the circumstances.

"And why's that so bad?"

His expression changed again, this time to one of slight horror. "Why's that so bad? Why's that so bad?" He was beginning to get up and approach me, so I stood up defensively. "Why's it so -" He stopped mid-sentence, and looked of dreamily past me, then jerked back to look me in the eye. "It ain't bad. What you talkin' about? There's nothing wrong with it!"

"But you were the one who said -"

"Tryin' to put the blame on me, are we? And I was just beginning to like you." He walked away and slumped back into his corner as if nothing had happened.

"Boys." I muttered.

"Oi! I 'eard that!"

"You were meant to."

We both looked up as footsteps headed towards the locked room as a fast and threatening pace.

"That'll be Moggs."

"Who's Moggs? And what kind of a name is that?"

"The GMD Matron. We call 'er Moggs cause she 'as some obsession with cats. And 'er name is Maggie, so it sounds a bit like it."

Just a dreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora