Chapter 5

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I was Ginger

I sat in my room, not knowing what to do. It seemed everyone lese had gone to class, whilst I, the new pupil, had to be registered and all before I could actually do anything. I was mostly humming to myself, the little song that Loopy had been humming before he pushed me through the vortex. I thought of Loopy as I sang, wishing he could be here, for he was one of the only people I felt I could trust, even if he was creepy. But wishes are supposed to come true, right? Well mine did.

"You called?" I turned around with a smile of my face to see a clown like figure sitting on the floor, his legs crossed.  Loopy was back. "I'm glad you remembered that tune. Fantastic, isn't it?"

"Loopy!" Before I knew what I was doing, I had run over to him and hugged him tightly, like a child hugging their father. But he returned the hug happily, and began to whistle the little tune. "What that tune called?" I asked.


"What do you mean, unknown? You sound like a robot."

"No, the tune's called 'Unknown'."


"How should I know? Are you still turning down the offer of me doing your hair?"

"Yes!" I jumped up as he began to run his fingers through it. I had never liked people playing with my hair, even though they used to do it all the time. It wasn't everyday you came across someone with hair like mine.

"But it's ginger! I've always wanted to style a ginger's hair. And this isn't just normal ginger. It's almost red! Please, pretty please, let me style it!"


"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"No! And the answer's going to stay no."

"Aw! You're no fun! It's like Lula all over again."

"Where is Lula, actually?"

"Back home. There's not, power, the vortex, to stabilise us." Loopy's word were muted as he seemed to flicker in and out of reality. It was already happening. That was how long he could stay here at a time. I made a desperate grab for Loopy's arm, but grasped only air. Within a few seconds, he was gone.

"Loopy no!" I rushed around the room, looking for something that would bring him back. but I knew that I would find nothing. I began to cry when someone burst into my room. I whipped around quickly to see who it was.


"Who? Oh yeah, that's me. Who's Loopy? At the moment, it sounds like you." he chuckled. But then he saw the tears that were streaming down my face, and he came over and sat beside my on the bed, putting his arm round my shoulder. "New place scarin' you?" he asked. I nodded, knowing he would think me crazy if  told him what had really happened. I rested my head on his shoulder for a while, as he ranted on about someone called GMD243, or Scruffy, as he was nicknamed, getting into a fight with one of the teachers. I laughed politely when he did, not really listening. After a while, his speech began to slow, realising I was not interested.

"Hey, wanna meet the gang?" I nodded, deciding that if I was to stay here, I must know who I was staying with. Jack lead me down to the corridor, and into the filthy common room. There sat a group of girls whispering in each other's ears; five boys playing cards on a wonky table; and another two boys fighting it out, whilst another three stood on watching.

"Hey guys." Every single person stopped what they were doing and looked up. "This is my new mate, GMD1000." The room stayed silent for a moment, but then loud questions began echoing round, hurting my ears. I couldn't make out what any of them were saying. "Quiet!" And the room went silent once more. "Now, one at a time."

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