Chapter 8

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A chance to investigate

Friday evening. Everyone in bed. A chance to investigate, and find out what was wrong with this school.

I got dressed back into my green dress, which was far more easy to be stealthy in than my school uniform. I crept into the common room. Nobody there. I had to move a few chairs from where they were lying, topped over. After school for the GMD kids was very boistrous. Very boistrous. I preffered to stay in my room. I had once or twice been pleaded to come down by Jana, but my stubborness overpowered hers, so I won. I always won.

Suddenly, a chair knocked back with a shocking force that sent it flyng. It landed with a crash, and I put my hand over my mouth so as not to gasp and make further noise. I waited in silence behind the sofa, expecting one of the kids to come down and see who it was. Nobody came. I was quite sure that a lot of them were still awake, but none of them seemed to be bothered to come down and look. I sighed with relief, and continued on my way. The door was locked, but I had a talent for lock picking, unknown to most people. Once I was on the other side, I locked it again, covering my tracks as best I could. I began to walk down the corridor, when I heard a cliking come from behind me. I leant against the wall, turning my head to see if anyone would open the door, but it stayed closed. And anyway, even if someone was about to open it, it would only be one of the GMD kids.

I didn't really know where I was going, but i hoped to end up outside. I followed the path where the light shone the most, believing it to be my exit. I knew i would be lost after only a few minutes, but I didn't care. I planned to head back before dawn, a couple of hours before if possible. That would be time enough. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth as I found a door that appeared to lead to ouside, making my way towards it quickly. But then it hit me. There must be guards out there. Or trip wires. or some kind of trap. Hold on, why was I being so melodramatic? It was probably just something like a CCTV camera. But it was still security. How was I to avoid that? Had I already been seen? I didn't think I had seen any cameras anywhere, but they were supposed to be hidden.

I crept to the window, which was quite conviniently placed right beside the door. No guards. I couldn't see a trip wire in front of the door. No traps that I could see. And no CCTV cameras. I smiled safely as I picked yet another lock, and made my way out. It had just been raining, and the grass was moist, and tickled my bare feet; my school shoes were far too uncomfortable to go walking around in out of school hours. I tiptoes around, making my way towards the nearst building, still weary of any securtiy that could potentially be dotted around the grounds. I did not think to look where I was going.

I stumbled over something, I didn't quite register what it was, and fell to the ground. The water clung limply to my dress, and I moaned, getting up and brushing myself down as best I could. I was alright, but I had lost my sense of direction. I tried to look around, but thick cloud and fogg had covered the glimmering full moon, so I could no longer make out the outline of either the GMD building, or the building to which I had been headed, for the ground were so large, and I appeared to be in the middle. I began to stumble helplessly, hoping I would eventually come across something, wishing terribly that I'd brought some form of light, and ...

Bam! I walked straight into someone, who, like me, gasped, and toppled backwards. I landed once more on the ground, breathing heavily, for the breath had been hit right out of me. "Who's that?" I asked, panicked that it was, as my fears would suggest, a guard of some sort.

"Only me." A Cockney voice wrung out into me ears, and I knew that one person it could be.

"Jack? What are you doing here?"

"Same I you, I guess. I think."

"Well, what are you doing?"

"What are you doin'?"

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