Chapter 13

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Upgrading you

"Wake up, Ginger. Really, I don't even know how you could fall asleep down here."

I rose my head a little, my eyes fluttering open slowly. It was still dark, but I wasn't sure how many hours had gone by. I was still in the common room, of course, and it was still as dirty and messy as ever. There was nobody else there apart from the person who had woken me up, and was leaning over me now, a caring, almost motherly expression on her face.

"Moggs, how long have you been here?"

"I only just got here. I often come down to check everything - and everybody - is in place. Or in as much place as they could be." She gave a small smile as she peered around the room. "Didn't expect to find a sleeping kid here though. Most of the kids I find are roaring the place down if they're not already in their rooms."

I sat up, moving my tangled red hair over to one side so that I could see properly. I rubbed my eyes too, and realised that there were still tear stains from where I had been crying. I tried to conceal them, but it was too late. Moggs had noticed, and she was soon tenderly grasping my hand, squeezing it as I regained full consciousness.

"Why have you been crying? Or is it one of those teenage things where adults are forbidden to know anything?"

"It's one of those teenage things." I said, just breaking a little smile. Yeah, like being in a scarily real dreamworld where your arm just got half frozen was just another teenage thing. I could just imagine the conversation with Jana - the Jana from reality - and her making her dreamworld some crazy place that would outdo this place by a mile in weirdness. Not in mystery though. Never in mystery.

Moggs looked like she wanted to help, but had on one of those 'hidden sadness' faces, which told me she knew I wouldn't say a word. I was, in a way, relieved that she knew there was no way I was going to say anything; I didn't want her pestering me about it all night. She helped me to my feet, but I gasped a little as she held my arm, and she let go, letting me see it.

Oh. Where there had been perfectly healthy skin only a few hours ago, there were several purple lumps, all bruises from where Jack's grip had forced too much power. Some of my blue veins showed clearly, obviously aroused by the intensity of the ice on my skin. I didn't hurt at all when nothing touched it, but even the slightest prod seemed to sting now. I wondered how long it would take to heal.

"Goodness, how on earth did you get that?" Moggs was shocked. I wasn't surprised. But I found myself stuttering when it came to giving her an answer. This time, I promised myself, I would not tell. I would not say a word against Jack. But thinking of another excuse for a great big bruise was a lot harder than I'd thought it would be.

"I think I hit it against something."

"And this something just happened to wrap round all of your arm?"

Oh, right. "I can't really remember. I think I fell asleep quickly, and the whole thing must have gone out of my mind. It doesn't hurt that much, really."

"Mm." She sounded too curious for my liking. I had to get out of this, and quickly. She was far too good an expression reader, and I didn't know how much I gave away just by looking at her.

When I began to walk away, I was moving quickly, and I noticed my breath had risen in speed. Moggs called out to me, and I froze, stiffening more than I expected to. I didn't need to look at her. I was making it blatantly obvious just from my sharp gestures that something was very wrong. But when I turned around, her expression was as blank and calm and ever, and I cursed in my mind for her talent.

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