|Six: Beauty And The Commoner|

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When morning came Harry was awake far before anyone else, except for Esmeralda of course. She was making everybody tea, but mostly examining Harry as he sat and read one of her many stories she kept on her shelf, most of which were dusty.

However, Harry seemed immersed in the fictional world and she just smiled when he would grin to himself when reading some of the funnier words on the pages. It was way too early for any of the other boys to be up, those being Pan, Louis and Niall, who were lazy beings and refused to wake up any time passed noon. It amused the witch very much.

"Harry dear, would you like anything to eat?" Esmerelda hesitantly asked, not wanting to disturb the boy's peacefulness. Taking a break from the words on the page, Harry looked up to answer her question. He placed the book down, making sure he remembered the page number before replying with a simple, "Yes please." Which is how he ended up eating pancakes, which were delicious, and talking about different spells until the other boys decided to get up.

Esmeralda didn't mention the fact that she couldn't find a way to get him home. She wasn't the strongest witch, but she knew of another that might be able to help the poor boy, though she wasn't the nicest. It seemed like Harry was an object that nobody knew what to do with or where to place. He was being passed around like a ball, however nobody wanted to score a point.

"Good morning!" Harry chirped when Louis shuffled into Esmeralda's kitchen, seeing Harry changed into a different clothes, more practical ones and a stack of pancakes. Licking his lips, he slowly made his way over to the dining room table, pulling out a chair next to Harry and resisting the urge to kiss him.

He still couldn't believe what happened the night before. Harry kind of admitted he has feelings for Louis, despite not knowing it himself. It made Louis giddy when realising Harry liked him back, "Did you sleep okay?" He asked him quietly, sending a thank you to the witch who handed him a plate of pancakes with golden syrup. Harry hummed and eyed Louis' pancakes, wishing he had more.

After Louis'd had a few bites he noticed Harry's desire for the breakfast food, "Wanna bite?" He offered, holding up his, in that moment, empty fork. Sheepishly, Harry nodded and Louis chuckled, making sure to put a large mouthful on the fork before feeding it to Harry, who sinfully wrapped his lips around it and hummed in delight.

Esmeralda raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything about the way Louis stared affectionately at Harry or how the younger boy sneaked glances at Louis from time to time. However, the more she looked at Louis, the more she became wary of him. It wasn't that he couldn't be trusted, but she felt as though she'd seen him before somewhere. She couldn't quite put her finger on it but Louis was recognisable, except he wasn't. She knew him from somewhere, she just didn't know yet.

"Louis, have we met before?" Esmeralda asked, breaking Louis' stare from Harry who was staring back at him.

"I- uh, no I don't think so... Everybody seems to think they know me but," He coughed awkwardly, clearing his throat and composing himself, "I think I just have one of those faces." He pursed his lips. Confusedly, Harry cocked his head sideways. Louis' face was mesmerising really. He had sharp cheekbones, razor sharp, and a strong jawline. His cheeks were faintly dusted with light freckles and he had the a smallest bit of stubble, reminding Harry of their difference in age.

"Are you sure?" She questioned.

Louis swallowed the lump in his throat, "I'm sure." And that was that.

"Oh would you look at that," The witch looked out of the window just as the other boys appeared from the hallway, obviously just having woken up from their slumber, "The rain is pouring down out there. You can't go anywhere in this weather, I suppose you should stay another night."

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