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9 December

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9 December

To Be Or Not To Be?

Today I'm in an interesting mood, one I'm not sure I can describe.

Even so, I am always in the mood to write, especially to you guys. Which brings me to my topic of the day...quotes.

This may seem boring, but to be completely honest with you I think quotes and quotable things are the best thing ever. Seriously. I love that someone else's words have impacted me or described exactly what I'm feeling.

Which I think about the whole deal with Hamlet. Where he rambles on about, "To be or not to be..." which really describes what I'm feeling currently.

Even though I kinda hate Hamlet right now. Don't get me wrong the play is great (I'm a huge Shakespeare nerd), but school kinda kills it. My teacher insists on stupid projects that really aren't necessary but to them they are, especially since they are old fashioned and they never let you choose a partner.

Which let me tell you sucks! (I'm sure you'd understand if it's happened to you).

"They say, timing is everything. But then they say, there is never a perfect time for anything." -Anthony Liccione.

I think that this explains my situation perfectly. Even though it's not what you wanted you just have to go with it. People can be obsessed with planning and figuring everything out to the tiniest of details. That they forget it nothing is always perfect and even if you planned and timed everything that doesn't mean it can't be changed within one second.

It's just a thought.

My question for you is, simply...what quote inspires you? And why?

Love you guys all, can't wait to see your responses!

As always


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