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12 December

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12 December

Are You Afraid Of The Dark?

Firstly I'm going to say, amazing television show next to Goosebumps. Do you guys remember these? I certainly do, even if I wasn't technically alive during the time they were first aired, they both have a special place in my heart.

But thinking about being afraid, that's what this is about.

Now I myself am not necessarily scared of the dark but in a way I am. The thought of not knowing what is about to happen to you or someone you love, terrifies me. I'm always self conscious about what I'm going to do. I even go to the point where I'll reread the same page at least ten times before I move on (No, I'm not joking).

I think I've always been this way, scared of the world.

Which is a bit ridiculous but if you were me I think you would understand why I say that this is my fear. The best I could compare this to would be metathesiophobia.

What is metathesiophobia? It's the fear of moving or making changes.

Which I definitely don't think I have it super bad, but enough to make me question what I'm doing. There's like a switch in my brain that makes me over analyze my life and the choices I am making. As if it is assuring me that it's the right thing to do.

Whether I truly have this phobia, I'm not sure. (I personally don't think so, but I'm sure there is something out there for what I have).

Even so, my question for you is...what's your fear? Is is  metathesiophobia? Or is it something else?

Can't wait to learn more about my followers, which might I add I have seventy five now!

That's truly incredible, honestly.

As always


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