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23 December

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23 December

Cat Got Your Tongue.

This title probably doesn't say exactly what's on my mind (to me it does, but hey who knows), anyways something has happened.

Like that isn't already the biggest topic so far on my blog (insert laughing emoji here).

But this one, makes me feel bad. It makes my skin crawl, almost like I keep trying to wash it away but it's still there (do you get my point?).

I have been caught. Caught doing what you may ask, lying.

I know it's horrible, wait until the end to hate me.

Sometimes little lies just slip my mouth, and I think nothing of it.

White lies.

We all tell them (I'm sure I'm not the only one), but we never think about how they can affect us, well I have found out and let me tell you it is not worth it.

I basically have been yelled at by my friends, parents, and whoever else can yell at me (teachers? Would they count?).

My parents yelled because the truth got out, my friends yelled because I lied about the truth.

So currently I've been resting in my room as it's Christmas break and thinking about my "actions", which I am sure is a good thing.

In all honesty it's boring, but it's not like I can do anything about it. My legs are so sore that I can hardly walk (I'll let you on a little secret, falling twice very hard, in the same spot, can really hurt you).

Will I regret this decision of lying? Probably, but everything has been set in motion and there isn't a thing I can do to stop it now (I blame my clumsiness).

My question for you is, have you ever told a white lie? And has it ever backfired on you?

I loved to hear about it, I need some interesting stories to know I'm not the only idiot alive.

As always


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