Chapter One

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This book was inspired by DmC Devil May Cry, Supernatural, American Horror Story: Coven, and Jennifer L. Armentrout's The Dark Elements series.


He was a demon, the spawn of Satan, and easily the biggest asshole you've ever had the misfortune of meeting. And yet you could never take your eyes off him.

"Keep staring like that and you're going to burn a hole in his head. Or should I say his abs?" You almost snapped the plastic spoon in half.

Fire touched your ears and cheeks as you slammed the yogurt cup onto the table. Your mother snickered. It was a Saturday and you needed to buy a dress for a friend's birthday party, you didn't want to go alone but now you regretted asking your mom to the mall.

"Mom, he'll hear you" You hissed through gritted teeth.

"He's all the way at Kenny Roger's, we're in a food court, relax. From the looks of it, you know who he is" She watched you fix your ponytail "Wait. Is he the reason you've been smiling like an idiot ever since your first day?"

Actually, he was, and who could blame you? Jason was one of the many new transferees this year and he had this magical power to make heads turn whenever he walked inside a room. Although magical might be too strong a word, because any human whose face and figure exhibited the golden ratio was sure to grab attention.

"No, he isn't" You said curtly. "Now would you please finish your food?"

She twirled her knife and stabbed what was left of her fried chicken.

You pulled out your phone. No new messages, but many updates. You grinned at the favorites and opened one of the comments.

You heard your mother groan. "Would you please, for at least once in your teenage life not look at a screen while with someone?"

You stuck out a tongue but put the device away nonetheless, and then reached for your glass of water.

"Anyway, who's the boy?" She asked between bites "He's kinda hot"

Water blew out your nose and your mother made a face of disgust. She plucked three sheets of tissues from the dispenser and gave them to you.

Ignoring the attention of the other nearby customers, you wiped your mouth, "No, he is not." He's not kind of hot; he is hot.

"Don't lie to your mother. I'm a woman, too, and frankly if I was your age and single I would gladly—"

"MOM!" You didn't want to hear the rest of that sentence. Your family had no boundaries when it came to humor, though your father had a soft spot for toilet jokes. "Would you please just finish your coffee and let's go"

Your mother waved her hand and sipped the last drops of her latté "At any rate, if he does notice you, which I doubt he will—"

"Thank you"

"—don't fall in love. Boys like him are nothing but trouble, I should know. I used to have all sorts of guys kneeling down and asking me to be their girlfriend."

"Sure, mom" You handed her her purse and picked up the shopping bag from Forever 21 "and Betty White runs over puppies with an eight-wheeler for kicks."

"No making fun of Betty White. Now promise me you won't go after that boy"

Like you've ever gone after anyone, "I promise"

"And you won't hang out or fall in love with him?"

You scoffed, resisting the urge to look over your shoulder and have one glimpse look at him. "The guy's an arrogant jerk. Don't worry, that's never going to happen." Lies. You've been crushing on him since day one, and by day one, you didn't mean his introduction during class orientation. You've known him before that, though you doubted he even remembered you.

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