Chapter Five

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Vampires turned out to be less than exhilarating.

 All right, that sounded racist—or maybe speciesist was the correct term here, you weren't sure, either way they were nothing like the supernatural god-like humanoids portrayed in literature and TV.

They didn't have super strength or super speed or super anything. Jason explained that the term 'vampire' referred to a bat-like species of nocturnal demons that could barely pass for human in appearance. He described them to be around two to three feet tall at most with blood-red eyes and coal-black fur and wings.

". . .and they can't talk. They make sounds and decisions based on survival instinct like most animals, and what are you doing?" Jason cocked an eyebrow at your scribbling.

You liked the concept of a little girl finding an abandoned baby vampire and deciding to adopt it thinking it was some exotic animal like in Lilo and Stitch, so you wasted no time in jotting down every piece of information he shared on the notepad you always kept on your nightstand (the best ideas pop up during the most inappropriate times).

"Don't mind me. What's their eye color again?"

"Red, like what they drink"

"Ah." You wrote it down.

Jason chuckled "You have more energy here than you have during school"

The pencil slipped off your fingers but he caught it no problem and handed it back to you.

"That's not true" You tapped the pencil on the paper.

"Come on, the only class where you willingly talk is in English."

"How do you know that?"

There was that mysterious, all-knowing smirk again "It's part of my job to know the people I interact with, whether it's the lady who serves me lunch or the cute girl in the front row who never seems to talk"

You swallowed hard. He was teasing you again. Well, you weren't having any of it, so you cleared your throat "What exactly is your job?"

"To locate and protect the Gregor."

Your heart sank to your stomach, in all this excitement from learning the existence of allegedly mythical beings you forgot that you were a snowflake mortal with an angelic soul.

You put down the pad "Hey, Jason. . .why is the Gregor so important anyway?" It felt weird to say "Why am I so important?"

Jason didn't answer immediately. In fact he seemed to be stalling, thinking of what to tell you. A second passed, then two. After five he finally breathed out an answer.

"I guess you deserve the truth. Being the Gregor does means you're in big trouble" He chuckled, "We still don't know much about Gregors because they rarely live past childhood, but your kind is difficult to pinpoint because the angelic energy inside you screws up our magic and it's not like the fairies wanted to help us."

"What were you guys doing attending an average human high school?"

"Hey, even we need education"

You crinkled your nose impatiently and he laughed, "Sorry, sorry" He straightened his spine, "Look we never stopped trying to locate you, but divination is like trying to get a phone reception: sometimes the signal is strong, sometimes it's too weak, and sometimes there's nothing. With you it constantly shifts between weak and nothing. Mostly nothing. We travel as far as the signal takes us before it's blocked again. Finally, after decades of searching, here you are." He waited for your reaction, you just fiddled with your ponytail.

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