Chapter Four

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In the past three hours you've been kidnapped, told that you were a rare human called a Gregor who has an angelic soul, informed that witches existed—not old hags who ride broomsticks but ordinary-looking people varying from a tattooed-slash-pierced gangster, a grouchy and silent flannel-wearing giant, and an English woman dressed like a Victorian doll—and your crush almost gave you a heart attack by pinning you to a bed and bringing out a knife that left no mark on you because it was "made from demonic essence" just to prove that you were what they claimed you were.

"Don't think too much about it." Jason cut in your train of thoughts.

You looked up from your lap, your eyes meeting with Jason's. You turned to the window immediately. You were glad that James didn't come, at least you only had to deal with one of these guys in a car, but at the same time your pulse wouldn't stop racing from the close proximity to Jason.

"You think too much and life leaves you behind" He finished.

He had a point, but to actively not think was more of a challenge than it seemed, and you ended up cradling your head in your hands, much to Jason's amusement.

"Why didn't you tell your parents that your story won?" His question took you by surprise and you hesitated, not sure how to answer.

You chewed on the inside of your cheek, ". . .Because writing is just a hobby."

There was a silence on his end, and when you didn't say anything else he finally spoke up "That's all I get?"

You tapped your fingers on your knee "Hobbies are just hobbies, they're not supposed to be the focus of my life..."

"And the focus of your life is?"


"Mhm. . ." He hummed, and you thought it was the end of this conversation until he asked again, "What do you write?"

You blinked. You were expecting him to ask more about your plans for college and your future as a doctor, "Different things."

He let out a sigh, but it was feigned. "Explain"

"Um. . .I write fantasies and romances. But I love writing about my trips to other places, but so far I've only been to Shibuya and Aurora. . .I think they're okay"

"You won a contest, that doesn't sound like 'just okay' to me. I can't stand false modesty"

Flustered, you replied "That's not what I meant!" Only a selected few of your stories were truly praise-worthy in your opinion, the rest were just second-rate garbage.

He chuckled "'Course not. Tell me more about the story that won"

"I don't think so. It's weird" You couldn't, not after finding out angels and demons and God-knows-what-else exist.

"All right, fine, don't tell me. I'll find out sooner or later" He winked at you as he parked the car in front of the school.

You still couldn't find relief because Jason walked beside you as you two entered the buildings. You let your hair fall and cover your face in attempt to be as unnoticeable as possible, but Jason's presence demanded attention.

You just hoped all eyes were on him and that they overlooked you.

No such luck.

Girls have been approaching you every chance they got, asking if you and Jason were together, or if you were close friends, or if you were relatives; wanting to know if he was still available and what he liked in a girl.

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