Chapter Three

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He leaned over, observing your face and hopefully not noticing that you were awake and pretending. He brushed a hair behind your ear and pressed his chapped lips on your forehead. "Thank you. . .for everything"

You woke up and found your mother standing over the bed. You let out a blood-curling scream.

She jumped backwards, "Good Lord! What's the matter?" She gasped, clutching her bathrobe.

"'What's the matter?' I see pores like that I think I'm on the moon!" You threw the comforter off of you "My alarm hasn't even gone off yet. Why are you here, mom?"

"He's back, the boy from last night's back."

You stared at her. "You're joking, right?"

"The Hell I am. I woke up to make breakfast and saw him outside in his car. He said he came to pick you up" She looked just as confused as you did, "I know I said to stay away from him but up close I can see why you're so fascinated."

"Where is he now?"

"Kitchen; I offered him something to drink. Did you know he's vegetarian?"

You flung your legs to the side and sprung to the door.

"Wait, your—" You didn't hear the rest of your mother's sentence; you were already jogging down the stairs.

Jason looked up from his glass of milk, your very expensive brand of almond milk, and grinned "Morning"

You panted, "That's my milk"

His smile turned wicked and he brushed his tongue over his lip "It's nice"

You flushed at the innuendo.

He chuckled, put down the glass, and made his way over to you. Your body tensed when he stood close. "Get changed and meet me in the car—Remember to wear a bra. Or not." You bit down a squeak when he leaned and whispered closely, "You have a nice rack."

You covered your chest. Too much in a hurry, you've forgotten to put on your bra before running out your room.

He patted your head and departed through the front door.

'You have a nice rack'? You didn't know if he was teasing you, and at the same time your brain was trying to figure out whether you should be flattered or disgusted at the comment.

You showered and picked up a banana from the fruit bowl and then dashed outside. Jason rolled down his window before you even came close to the car, "In the passenger's seat." He ordered.

"Aw, you have a bra on"

"Stop looking at my boobs" You slipped your arms inside your jacket and zipped it close "Now, would you please explain to me what's happening?"

Instead of answering, he reached over and fished something from the glove compartment. A lip balm?

"Mind opening this for me, doll?"

"Um, sure. . ." You twisted the cap off. Easy. But it wasn't lip balm, it was a container for what appeared to be fine gold sand.

He watched you with eagle eyes. "You feel weird?"

"No. Why?"

He strapped on his seatbelt "Because"

Click. You almost dropped the container; he had locked the doors, and before you could try and bust out, someone seized your hair from behind.

"That was supposed to knock you out" James finished, then something pricked your neck and soon your eyelids began to feel heavy.

Moments before completely blacking out, you caught Jason's gaze on you, a mysterious expression on his face.

Wicked (2P!America x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang