Chapter Nine

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There was a flash as you bent over the table and blew the sixteen candles. Your father put down the camera and wrung an arm around your shoulder, "Happy birthday, sweetheart" He kissed your forehead, making a loud mwah sound.

Mom's hands were behind her, a barely containable smile on her tinted lips, "It's a special event, turning sixteen, so we decided to go crazy with our gift" She held out a small white box with a tiny red bow taped on the top.

"You bought me a Porsche?" Your brows rose expectedly, but they knew you were joking.

Dad burst out laughing and squeezed you "Nope."

"Open it and find out"

You shrugged and pulled up the lid. Your heart dropped.

"Do you like it?"

"We know you don't wear jewelry a lot but this is a special bracelet" Mom explained as you examined the silver braided loop with a snowflake charm. "It's from an Italian jeweler"

"Mom and I got it for—" Dad shut up when your mother pinched his side. "It doesn't matter" He quickly waved.

"We had your name etched on the snowflake"

You stared at the bracelet. Your mom's words were still fresh in your memory: "Each snowflake is one of a kind. No matter what happens, you'll always be our baby girl, our little snowflake. Irreplaceable." The carving was precise but also effortless, like the strokes of a master painter. It truly was a beautiful work of art. But you were a brat who didn't appreciate lame gifts.

You never wore it, you didn't even thank your parents for the present that probably cost them thousands of dollars.

After the dinner you dumped the bracelet in your pencil pouch and almost forgot about it. Now it was the only piece of your parents you had left with you.

"You okay back there?" Jason drove past an SUV.

You slipped on the bracelet and stared at the raindrops rolling down the glass. It's been raining for an hour now. "I'm fine."

"You don't look fine." He mumbled but you ignored him and leaned on your seat.

"How long before we reach New York?"

"We're not going to New York, not yet" James replied "We need to make a couple of stops first"

"Hm" You should be worried, but at this point it wasn't like you had a schedule to follow or a home waiting for you.

You played with the snowflake "And Lizzie is already there with the others?" There being New York.

"That's right." Jason said, "She flew there" He snickered at your hanging jaw and then clarified, "She took a plane. Lizzie gets car sick."


"What is it?"

"Can't we teleport there or something? Avoid traffic?" You've been sitting since dawn, you wanted to get up and stretch.

"Teleportation is not that simple" James leaned on the window "We can only teleport ourselves"


"We can't make portals"

You tried not to shake as you buried yourself in the leather of the seat, the thin material of your cardigan wasn't enough against the rain outside and the AC in the car. Jason never took off his jacket and James seemed fine with just a t-shirt.

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