Chapter Two

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You were stunned. And then the awe turned into fear, twisting your insides as you brushed your fingers over the bare skin of your stomach and chest.

That morning you woke up on your bed, and the first thing you did was inhale as you asked yourself if that monster was a dream. Because you remembered everything clearly, from the shock of seeing the creature's face to the terror and pain when you were dragged through the shattered window shield. It felt all too real.

You looked in the bathroom mirror, the large wound was gone, replaced by a scar and bruises around your ribs.

Someone rapped at the door, "[Name], hurry up in there, I need to use the toilet. Word of advice, stay away from that new brand of vegan milk crap"

This scar and blue spots—not the first time you woke up with bruises, you had the tendency to hit yourself with your own limbs asleep. You let go of the hem of your nightgown. It was really just a nightmare then?

"The throne's all yours" You said, stepping out the bathroom. "And I'm not vegan dad. I'm a lacto-ovo-vegetarian"

He did a comical, overdramatic eye-roll. Your father was a caring, ignorant man who didn't understand your lifestyle choice when it came to food, but all he did was poke fun at it without really forcing you to eat anything else, so it was never really an issue.

"Just finish your business early, dad. I need to take a shower"

You returned to your room and to get your clothes, and that was when it dawned on you.

You threw open your closet and there it was. The Forever 21 shopping bag, inside was the dress you bought yesterday with your mother, along with the video games.

"Oh, boy. . ." You grabbed onto the closet for support.

Your dad called and said the bathroom was now free, adding some joke about how you should put on a gas mask before going in. Normally, you would laugh but you couldn't.

Something was wrong here.

You needed to check one more time if you were really losing it so you showered and hurried to the dining room, where your mother was pouring milk into your favorite sunflower-printed mug.

Okay. You thought, 'I need to do this.'

You twirled a loose thread from your sweater, "Mom"

She hummed and turned to you.

"About dad's car. . ." You didn't know what happened to it because you fainted, but if that thing was still in one piece and resting in the garage right now—

"You won't be able to drive the car" Her voice was low.

Your heart slowed into a pause and your blood ran cold.

"Someone decided to trash it yesterday while your dad and I were at the mall"

You felt your eyeballs bulge, "You and dad were at the mall last night?"

"Yeah" She raised an eyebrow "I bought you a dress for the twins' birthday party and your dad even bought you two new video games. God knows why, you use up all your free time to work on your books"

The facts were all wrong, the way you remembered it was: you were at the mall with mom while dad stayed in the house, you let her go home before you so you could buy new games, and you were in the car when it was trashed.

"Are you okay?" Her nose wrinkled "You're not on any drugs, are you?"

You shook your head. "No, I'm. . .I think should go now. I'll be late"

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