You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone

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* Jay is leaving Beyonce's house piss the fuck off he is on his way to meet Keri Hilson at her hotel a to discus the situation.*
*In The Car*
(Jay) I can't believe her crazy ass burned up my Maybach and clothes to be honest I don't care about the clothes but my car what the hell is wrong with her I know what I did was wrong but I didn't deserve this shit. Her ratchet ass don't need to watch any more TV she was so on some "Waiting To Exhale" type of shit. I guess she thought she was Angela Basset or somebody but hell that piece of shit of a car she burned up in the movie needed to be burned up my fucking Maybach cost me over a half of million dollars. You know what even after all of that I ain't even mad at her if she called me right now I would run back to her.
*Jay pulls up at the hotel and see Keri Hilson outside*
(Jay) Aye girl *Talking to Keri Hilson*
(Keri) I do have a name
(Jay) Sorry Keri so are we gona talk or what
(Keri) Yeah but first get out yo car and follow me to my room I don't want to talk out here   
(Jay) I'm not going to your room I'm already in deep shit
(Keri) Well lets go into the lobby 
(Jay) No you get in
(Keri) Okaay *Getting Into Jay's car* What do you mean you in deep shit
(Jay) Well first of all yo ass pregnant and secondly my girl broke up with me because of this shit
(Keri) You told her I was pregnant?
(Jay) No I didn't you told her when you texted my phone
(Keri) O that was her
(Jay) No shit!!!!
(Keri) Calm yo nerves but since you're available now we should go out sometime
(Jay) FUCK NO!!! What you think this is
(Keri) You are the father of this baby Jay!!
(Jay) And that's all I am I don't want nothing to do with you. After this baby is born don't call me fa shit unless it involves the baby 
(Keri) Jay I didn't ask for this. This was your dumb ass fault. How the hell you let the condom break
(Jay) You know what I don't need this I got other shit to worry about get out my car and call me when ever you need to go to the doctor and I'll take you and be there for you but that's it don't call me for nothing else. After the baby is born I want a DNA test done to make sure its mine
(Keri) What are you trying to say that I don't no who the father of my child is 
(Jay) You heard what I said now get out of my car
(Keri) You know what, what ever I go back to the doctor in 6 weeks and I've decided to move here so the baby can be close to you imma be staying here until my condo gets ready and i'll call you if I feel like it *She gets out of Jay car and slams the door*
(Jay) Watch the way you close more door *He speeds off*
(Beyonce) I can't believe his stupid ass put his hands on me. Now how am I suppose to explain this bruise on my arm to my daddy. 
*Beyonce phone rings*
(Beyonce) Hello
(Tina) What is this I hear about you burning down your house
(Beyonce) Mom its not true
(Tina) Well I guess not if you're answering the phone. What is going on over there
(Beyonce) Mom I don't want to talk about it. I gotta go
(Tina) I wish you would hang this damn phone up while I'm talking to you I will come over there and smack the hell out of you
(Beyonce) Sorry mom *annoyed*
(Tina) Now ima ask you again what happen
(Beyonce) Mom ima just come over and tell you about it face to face I'll be there in about a hour ok?
(Tina) And if you're not here in a hour ima come over there and get you
(Beyonce) Ok mom i'll be there I love you
(Tina) I love you too bye
(Beyonce) Bye
Beyonce showers than get dress to go over her parents house she decided to wear a long sleeve shirt to hide the bruise Jay left on her arm after her grabbed her. It wasn't a bad bruise and it would probably be gone by the morning. About 45 minutes later Beyonce had arrived at her Mom's house. Solange was out with her husband and Julezs and Mathew was working late again on some project at lease that's what he told Tina. So it was just Beyonce and her mom. They are in the living room talking about what happen its about 4:3Opm now
(Tina) After all of that Beyonce you're lucky you not in jail
(Beyonce) I know mom but he deserved it 
*Beyonce phone started ringing but she ignored the call without looking to see who it was*
(Tina) Beyonce who is that your phone has rung about 11 times since you've been here
(Beyonce) I don't know mom it's probably Jay wanting to talk.... as a matter of fact I know its him
(Tina) How do you know its him you haven't even looked at the phone
(Beyonce) Because I know mom
(Tina) What ever so its really over between the two of you
(Beyonce) I don't know mom I really love him and I want to forgive him sooo bad but I can't... not after this
(Tina) Beyonce I gotta tell you something but after I do don't be mad at your father
(Beyonce) Ok
(Tina) Your father cheated on me before we moved from Texas 
(Beyonce) And you forgave him
(Tina) Yes because I love him and I really felt that he was really sorry. Beyonce listen to me if you really love someone you fight for him because if you don't it will be the biggest mistake of your life. You can't let a home wrecking  bitch take away your happiness he is yo man not hers and as long as he don't cheat again forgive him and forget 
(Beyonce) But mom he has a baby on the way
(Tina) Beyonce what if its not his baby
(Beyonce) What if it is
(Tina) Then Beyonce learn to deal with it baby... Jay is a nice guy and I see the way you two look at each other... its very rare to find love like that. 
(Beyonce) So you think I should call him
(Tina) Yes now give me a hug *Hugs Beyonce*
(Beyonce) Thanks mom *Hugs Tina back*
(Tina) So was the girl cute at lease
(Beyonce) She look like a damn bird.... *OOPPS* Sorry mom
(Tina) Its fine now go call him
(Beyonce) Ok *Reaches for her phone* 
Before Beyonce was able to look at her phone Ty came running in
(Ty) *Breathing heavily* 
(Beyonce) Ty whats wrong?!
(Tina) And why are you running through my house like you've lost yo damn mine
(Ty) Sorry Mama Tina *trying to catch his breath*
(Tina) How did you even get in here
(Ty) The door was unlocked
(Tina) Beyonce you aint lock my door when you came in
(Beyonce) Sorry mom but i'll be back I got to make a phone call
(Ty) O so now you wana talk on the phone I've been calling you all day
(Beyonce) *Looks at her phone* Sorry I thought it was Jay calling 
(Ty) Well it wasn't *Still trying to catch his breath* 
(Beyonce) Ty what do you want and why are you all out of breath 
(Ty) Because I ran all the way here looking for you
(Beyonce) Why did run here and where is yo car 
(Ty) I left it 4 blocks away from here Angie was driving and we got stuck in traffic so I had to run all the way here 
(Beyonce) So what is so important you had to get out yo car and run 4 blocks just to see me
(Ty) Well I wouldn't of had to run 4 blocks if you would of answered yo phone 
(Beyonce) Sorry now what is it
(Ty) Jay was in a bad car accident 
(Beyonce) * immediately starts crying* What what happen and where is he
(Ty) All I know is that he was speeding and ran a red light and he is at St. Lenox hospital
Beyonce grabs her purse and leaves without saying another word
(Tina) I'm coming with you
Tina and Beyonce both leave and leaves Ty there still trying to catch his breath

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