Jay Invented The Game

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(Hazel) Where did she go

(Jay) *Picking Hazel up* Mommy is sick right now so she have to go away for a little while

(Hazel) Okaaay :-(

(Jay) Hey don't be sad because you have another mommy *looks at Bey*

(Beyonce) Right! You have me *takes Hazel from Jay* And I love you *hugs Hazel*

(Hazel) I love you too mommy

(Beyonce) *putting Hazel down* How about you go play with Kiara while I talk to daddy

(Hazel) OK

Hazel and Kiara disappear.  Jay sits on the couch and pulls Beyonce on to his lap

(Jay) What's up

(Beyonce) I'm planning on doing another album 

(Jay) Already we just got married we haven't even went on our honeymoon yet

(Beyonce) I know baby but after the album and tour I was thinking about taking a whole year off to spend sometime with you and Hazel

(Jay) When do you start working on the album

(Beyonce) After Hazel's birthday party

(Jay) That's next week

(Beyonce) Right! So I was thinking we give Hazel one of the best birthday parties ever *kisses Jay* (Jay) How about you quit working and i'll make all the money while you sit down relax and take care of Hazel and have a baby of your own.

(Beyonce) And if I do that who is gona break the news to my Killer Beys

(Jay) Not me *laughs* I rather not deal with the dragging. Your stans are toooo rachet for me (Beyonce) Right!! *standing up* so lets plan her birthday party

(Jay) Ok!

(Beyonce) Well actually can we do this later I have to go

(Jay) Where are you going

(Beyonce) I'm going to the studio Usher wants me to record a song with him

(Jay) Do you want me to come

(Beyonce) I don't care if you want to

(Jay) Well I'm coming

(Beyonce) Ok....... Kiara!!!
(Kiara) Yes!!!

(Beyonce) Jay and I are about to go to the studio so please around 5 feed her I'll leave money for take out and put her to bed around 9 and give her a bath. We should be back a little after 9 to tuck her in

(Kiara) Ok 

Beyonce and Jay leaves and are now at the studio with Usher. They have been working on the song for about 3 hours and it's still not right and it is 8:50pm and Beyonce and Jay promised to be home a little after 9 so they can tuck Hazel in

(Jay) Ummm Bey imma go and i'll meet you back at home

(Beyonce) Ok but before you go can you please go next door and get me a pizza please

(Jay) Sure *Jay leaves the studio*

(Usher) I'm sorry this is taking so long 

(Beyonce) It's ok *smiles* I kind of like spending time with you 

(Usher) You do *touches Beyonce hand*

(Beyonce) *snatching her hand away* Not that kind of time I'm married

(Usher) *Stans directly in front of Beyonce* So what he cheated on you so why not hurt him like he hurt you
(Beyonce) Don't ever talk about him cheating on me that was over two years ago now move! I'm out of here *Pushes Usher away*
(Usher) *Grabs Beyonce and holds her against the sound board* Look chill out don't act like you don't have feeling for me still
(Beyonce) LET ME GO!!! What we had was a long time ago waaaaaayyy before me and Jay got together
(Usher) So you telling me you don't have no feelings for me
(Beyonce) No I don't now let me go
(Usher) Kiss me
(Beyonce) What?!
(Usher) Kiss me and if you don't feel anything I'll leave you alone
(Beyonce) Hell nawl get the fuck of me *Beyonce knees him in the balls*
(Usher) Fuck! *Usher falls*
(Jay) What's going on in here *walking in with Beyonce pizza*
(Beyonce) This stupid ass fool just tried to kiss me
(Jay) He what?! *Charging after usher*
(Beyonce) No baby stop * grabbing Jay* I took care of it. Lets go
(Jay) Fine
Jay lets Beyonce walk out the door first and as soon as she was out the door he turned around and punched Usher in his face 
(Jay) Bitch don't you ever come for what's mine
(Usher) *catches his balance and tries to hit Jay in the face*
(Jay) Look at yo punk ass *Hits Usher again but this time he knocks him flat on his ass*
(Beyonce) *Walking into the room to see what was taking Jay so long to come out* Shawn what the hell *looking at Usher
(Jay) Lets Go!!
(Beyonce) No!! *walks over to help him up* *looking at Jay* I told you I took care of it *looking at Usher* Are You ok
(Usher) *holding his jaw* Yea I'm ok 
(Beyonce) I'm sorry about that
(Jay) You don't have to apologize for me
(Beyonce) Shawn please
(Jay) Beyonce please. Bring yo ass on
(Beyonce) Shawn are you-
(Jay) Beyonce NOW!!! *Jay walks out the  door*
(Beyonce) *rolls eyes* Look I gotta go and don't worry about paying me for the song we didn't even finish
(Usher) Maybe we can finish tomorrow
(Beyonce) How about no. Look I gotta go see you
(Usher) Alright
Jay had left and went outside and got in the car 
*In the car*
(Jay) What took you so long. Where you trying to piss me off
(Beyonce) Shawn shut up talking to me right now before I get pissed off
(Jay) You know what I'm out of here I'll see you later
(Beyonce) So you just gonna get out the car
(Jay) Yep i'll find a way home
(Beyonce) What ever
Jay gets out the car and Beyonce slides over to the drivers side and take off leaving Jay standing right there.
Beyonce was almost most home when she got a phone call
(Beyonce) Hello
(Usher) Don't cuss me out I just wanted to see if you made it home ok
(Beyonce) I'm almost there now
(Usher) Is Jay still mad
(Beyonce) I don't want to talk about him right now can I meet you at yo house right now 
(Usher) Sure I'm just getting in 
(Beyonce) Ok I'm on my way
Within 15 minutes Beyonce was at usher's house..
Mean while..... Jay is getting into house
(Jay) Beyonce!!!!!!
(Kiara) *coming out her bedroom*  Shhhh you're gona wake Hazel and Beyonce has not gotten in yet
(Jay) She what
(Kiara) She's not here
(Jay) Ok thank you.
Jay goes up to the bedroom to make a few phone calls

Phone Conversations: 

(Ty) Hello
(Jay) This is Shawn
(Ty) I have caller ID what do you want 
(Jay) Is Beyonce with you
(Ty) No I haven't talked to her 
(Jay) O alright
(Ty) Yep
*Hangs up*
(Angie) Hello
(Jay) Is Beyonce with you
(Angie) No
(Jay) Ok
Jay tries to call Kelly and Michelle but gets no answer so he tried Solange
(Solange) Hello
(Jay) Is Beyonce with you
(Solange) No I've been trying to reach her for the pass hour so she can come out with me Kelly and Michelle
(Jay) O so all of yall together 
(Solange) Yep 
(Jay) Ok
*Hangs up*
(Jay) I know she not with this foul as nigga
(Usher) Hello
(Jay) Is Beyonce with you
(Usher) No I haven't seen her since she left with you
(Jay) You bet not be lying to me
(Usher) Look I haven't talked to her
Jay hangs up the phone
(Jay) This nigga think I'm stupid he act like I don't know the game *walking back down the stairs* Nigga I invented the game.
(Jay) Kiara!!
(Kiara) Yes
(Jay) Look I gotta go pick up Beyonce i'll be back 
(Kiara) Is everything ok
(Jay) Everything is fine
(Kiara) Ok
Jay leaves and get into his truck and heads to Usher's house
* Beyonce is In Usher's living room and they are drinking*
(Beyonce) Do you think he suspect something
(Usher) No he is clueless *tries to kiss Beyonce*
(Beyonce) *Stops him* Look it is not that type of party I came over here so I wouldn't have to see him
(Usher) Ok I'm sorry
(Beyonce) Look at your face 
(Usher) I'll live
(Beyonce) How about I get you some ice for that
(Usher) Sure
Beyonce gets up and some how she wasted her drink on herself
(Beyonce) Shit!
(Usher) Yea you just got red whine on my white couch
(Beyonce) I am soooo sorry 
(Usher) It's fine how about you take that off 
(Beyonce) Usher really
(Usher) *laughs* You didn't let me finish. How about you take that off and i'll wash it for you and you can put on one of my shirts until your clothes get out
(Beyonce) Ok
(Usher) My room is through there you can change in there and pass me your clothes through the door
(Beyonce) Ok
Beyonce did as she was told and is now in one of Usher shirts while her clothes is washing in the washing machine. Usher cleaned up the whine spill as best as he good off the couch and they sat and talked for about 5 minutes until they heard the door bell
(Beyonce) Are you expecting someone 
(Usher) No but let me go see who it is
(Beyonce) Ok and your face is still swelling up I'll go get you some ice the kitchen is this way right *pointing*
(Usher) Yep
Beyonce goes into the kitchen and Usher opens the door
(Jay) Where the fuck is my wife! * angrily* 
(Usher) *silence*
(Beyonce) *Walking out the kitchen with the ice still  in Usher's shirt* Who was at the *looks up and sees Jay* Door
(Beyonce) Fuck!
(Jay) Surprise :-)

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