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Beyonce and Jay arrived at the hospital within 20 minutes

(Ty) Its nice f ya'll to finally show

(Beyonce) *rolls eyes* Well we was far out what did you want us to do speed and get pulled over. We came as soon as we got your message. Now what happen to Kelly

(Michelle) Ty took her to some ratchet club and Kelly got into a fight

(Beyonce) OhMyGod did ya'll call the police 

(Ty) Ummm whats the point 

(Beyonce) Ty you can chill with the attitude

  (Ty) *rolls eyes* What ever I'll be back 

(Beyonce) What is his problem

(Solange) He is probably just mad because all of this is his fault

(Beyonce) Has any of you seen Kelly yet or spoken to a doctor

(Michelle & Solange) Nope not yet

(Beyonce) Where is Angie and Kanye

(Solange) they left and took the kids back home 

(Jay) Imma go call them to check on Hazel 

(Beyonce) Ok Jay leaves and Beyonce take a seat next to Michelle

(Beyonce) So she has broken ribs?

(Solange) Thats what Ty said but I don't no about that.

(Beyonce) Ohh Well imma try-

The doctor walks inand interrupts the conversation

(Doctor) Is this the family of Kelly Rowland

(Beyonce) Yes! *rolls eyes* 

(Doctor) Kelly is fine we will release her in about 10 minutes 

(Beyonce) So she don't have any broken ribs

(Doctor) Umm no she has a sprang nose and thats about it. Who said anything about a broken rib Ty returns

(Solange) He did *looking at Ty*

(Ty) Look I'm sorry about taking her to the-

(Solange) We're not talking about that anymore.  We're talking about  you telling us Kelly had broken ribs

(Ty) *looks a the doctor* Because thats what he told me

(Doctor) No I didn't I said maybe a broken nose 

(Ty) Oh O_o *laughs* Sorry ya'll

(Michelle) SMH

(Doctor) Ok ima go get Kelly ready for her release

(Bey, Chelle, Solo, Ty) Ok!!

(Beyonce) Ty really though broken ribs

(Ty) Look I was drunk when I came in here to be honest

(Beyonce) *rolls eyes*

Jay returns

(Beyonce) Is Hazel ok?

(Jay) Yea she alright

(Solange) So why wasn't ya'll answering ya'll phones

(Jay) Because we was on a mini vacation

(Solange) SO!! that don't mean not answer your phones

(Beyonce) Sorry but its Shawn fault he took my battery

(Jay) Oh so you gonna blame it on me (Beyonce) Yep!!

(Jay) *laughs* What ever Beyonce

Everybody was taking and and joking around then Kelly came out

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