Beyonce Is Such A Good Liar

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(Ty) Well than this is awkward
(Lydelle) Well congratulations Mr. Knowles but I think I should go now. Bey i'll text you
(Beyonce) Ok
Lydelle leaves
(Kanye) So when is the wedding 
(Mathew) Its-
(Beyonce) Imma go check on mom
(Camille) Mat I think we should leave
(Mathew) In a few. I'll be right back
Mathew goes into the other room with Bey, Solo, and Tina
(Ty) So Camille
(Camille) Yes
(Jay) Ty
(Ty) What?!
(Jay) Nothing
(Ty) Like I was saying. Ms Camille how long have you and Mat been dating
(Camille) For a while now
(Ty) Did you know he as married when ya'll first started dating
(Camille) Yes I did
(Ty) So you just a home wreaking bi-
(Michelle & Kelly) TY!!
(Ty) You know what I think I betta go Kelly if you're riding with me you betta bring yo ass
(Kelly) Ok. Congrads again on the baby Jay
(Michelle) Yea Congrads I betta go too
(Jay) Ok see y'all
Michelle, Kelly and Ty leaves 
(Jay) Camille I'm sorry you have to excuse Ty sometimes
(Camille) It's fine *smiles*
(Kanye) All shit Jay let me go get Bey, look at the way she looking at you
(Camille) Excuse me I don't mess with married men
Jay and Kanye give Camille a funny look 
(Camille) Well at lease not anymore
(Kanye) Sure you don't. Jay look it's time for me to leave 
(Jay) Alright man I'll see you
(Kanye) Alright... Come on Kenya it's time to go. 
(Kenya) Ok
(Kanye) And Congrads on the baby again Jay
Jay nods and Kanye leaves
Meanwhile In the living room......
(Solange) Mom are you ok 
(Tina) I'm fine why wouldn't I be
(Solange) Because you're still in love with-
In walks Bey and Mat
(Beyonce) Mom
(Tina) I'm ok Beyonce
(Mathew) Why are all of ya'll being so rude to her
(Beyonce) Dad you are the last person that should be calling somebody rude
(Mathew) Beyonce and what is that suppose to mean
(Beyonce) Let me give you a clue ummmm you almost ruined my wedding 
(Mathew) That was different
Camille and Jay walks into the room and Jay stands next to Bey
(Tina) Look Solange are you ready to go
(Camille)  Look Tina-
(Tina) Its Ms. Knowles
(Camille) Ms. Knowles I'm sorry for everything and I just want you to know that I forgave you for the incident that happen at the studio
(Jay) *whisper to Bey* She must want another ass whopping   
(Beyonce) *laughs* Shut up
(Tina) You what-
(Mathew) Camille maybe we should go
(Tina) Yea ya'll should
(Camille) *looks at Tina* I'll go get Nixon
(Solange) Why are you marrying her
(Mathew) Because I love her and she loves me
(Beyonce) But mom loves you
(Tina) BEYONCE!!
(Beyonce) *Kanye shrugs* 
(Mathew) Tina-
Camille walks back in with Nixon 
(Camille) Are you ready baby
(Mathew) Yea
Mathew Camille and Nixon leaves 
(Beyonce) Mom I'm sorry
(Solange) Me too
(Tina) Its fine go get Julezs so we can leave
(Solange) Ok
(Beyonce) Mom I-
(Tina) Beyonce drop it
(Beyonce) Ok
Solange returns with Julezs and Hazel
(Solange) Hazel wants to come with her Auntie Solo for a few hours is it ok
(Beyonce) It's ok with me Shawn what about you
(Shawn) Yea its cool
(Beyonce) Just bring her back before bed time
(Solange) OK
Tina, Solo, Julez, and, Hazel leaves
(Beyonce) Well this didn't go as planned
(Jay) Don't anything we ever do with your family go as planned
(Beyonce) Speaking of family why didn't you invite your family
(Jay) Because my sisters and brother already left town so i'll call them and my mom wasn't feeling well so I told her over the phone
(Beyonce) O.ok. So we need to get this house cleaned up
(Jay) I'll do it you just go relax 
(Beyonce) OK

Beyonce goes into the living room and on the way she receives a text message 
Text conversation

(Lydelle) Hey Bey its Lydelle
(Beyonce) Wats up
(Lyd) I shuld b askn u da same thing
(Bey) LOL its cool ova here but hw hav u been
(Lyd) ive been ok ive been missing u evryday since u left tho
(Bey) really
(Lyd) yea I thought abt u alot
(Bey) ive missed u 2
(Lyd) Lies!!
(Bey) LOL seriously I hav
(Lyd) Well dats nice 2 no
(Bey) How long RU n town
(Lyd) I jus opn up a new restaurant here so im here 2 stay
(Bey) O.ok
(Lyd) yea so do u wana come take a look at it tonight
(Bey) Ummm idk
(Lyd) LOL come on Bey I promise I wont bite
(Bey) Wat time
(Lydelle) Wat about in the next hour
(Bey) Ok I'll CU den
(Lyd) OK 
(Bey) Wa8 wats da adress
(Lyd) 8893 Wayburn (I just made that up)
(Bey) Ok I'll GPS it ttyl
(Lyd) : )

(Beyonce) Oh my god like why am I starting to get butterflies what we had years ago and was over with when I left Houston. It's me Shawn our baby and Hazel now. Lydelle is just someone from the past. Hmmp Beyonce you keep telling yo self that he was yo first love giiiirrrrrllll you would of took a bullet for him. Wait shit why the hell am I talking to myself. JAYYYYYYY!!!
(Jay) *walking Into the living room* Yea
(Beyonce) Ummmm Kelly just called me and asked me to come over for a minute so imma head out
(Jay) But I was planning on spending the rest of the day with you
(Beyonce) We can spend tonight together its only 4pm i'll be back around 6
(Jay) You promise 
(Beyonce) Yea I'll be back at 6
(Jay) Ok
(Beyonce) *kisses Jay* Thank you baby bye
(Jay) Bye
Beyonce punched in Lydelle's restaurant address in her GPS and left 
(Jay) *calling Ty Ty* What's up man
(Ty Ty) Shit!! I'm about to get fucked up
(Jay) Well nigga don't be stingy come ova here
(Ty Ty) Alright I'm on way is Ye there
(Jay) Nawl Angie bitching again
(Ty Ty) *laughs* Alright
Meanwhile Bey was just pulling up at Lydelle's restaurant
(Beyonce) *Calling Lydelle* I'm outside
(Lydelle) Alright come in *laughs*
They hang up and Bey goes into the restaurant
(Beyonce) This is nice
(Lydelle) Thank you
(Beyonce) *sits at a table* So where are all your customers
(Lydelle) We don't open until tomorrow
(Beyonce) O.ok so anyway are you married do you have any kids
(Lydelle) Nope I'm single I've haven't dated much since you left
(Beyonce) So you telling me you ain't dating anybody since me
(Lydelle) *laughs* Of course I have. Just nothing serious 
(Beyonce) O
(Lydelle) So how many months are you
(Beyonce) 2 
(Lydelle) Soooo somebody was able to get in you're pants
(Beyonce) *laughs* Shut up that was rude
(Lydelle) *laughs* I'm sorry I'm just a little shocked
(Beyonce) About what
(Lydelle) You. You've changed a lot. The last time I seen you, you was all shy and quite now look at you you don't have a shy bone in your body. Jirating all over the stage *laughs*
(Beyonce) *laughs* Really jirating
(Lydelle) Yea
(Beyonce) Ok first of all I don't jirate and secondly I am shy just not when I'm on stage
(Lydelle) Hmmp you could of fooled me but you know one thing still haven't changed about you
(Beyonce) And what is that
(Lydelle) You're still beautiful. As a matter of a fact your beauty has changed you are ever more more beautiful 
(Beyonce) *smiles* Awwww thank you
(Lydelle) You're welcome. Do you wana dance
(Beyonce) There is no music
(Lydelle) So before you left you use to hum music
(Beyonce) OK
(Ty Ty) *laughs* Are you are serious 
(Jay) Yea she pregnant
(Ty Ty) I remember when you anit wont one kid and now you got 1 and another one on the way
(Jay) Man people change
(Ty Ty) I guess they do but I'm happy for you. This shit right here done gave me the munchies I'm hungry what ya'll got to eat
(Jay) *laughs* We got some food from earlier left in the refrigerator 
(Ty Ty) Alright cool *walks into the kitchen to make him a plate*   
Jay looks at his watch and noticed it was 5:40 and he haven't heard from Beyonce since she left so he tried to call her but he didn't get an answer so he tried Kelly
(Kelly) Hello
(Jay) What's up Kel
(Kelly) *laughs* What do you want Shawn
(Jay) Let me holla at Bey for a minute 
(Kelly) Bey?
(Jay) She said she was coming over your house
(Kelly) *Confused* *laughs* I was calling her she is in the other room hold on
(Jay) Alright

(Kelly) *Calling Beyonce on the other end*  What the hell I aint seen Bey since I left. Now she got me lying for her ass and shit
(Beyonce) Hello?
(Kelly) You told Shawn you was here with me
(Beyonce) Yea he called
(Kelly) Duh!!! 
(Beyonce) Shit Kelly what did you tell him
(Kelly) Nothing he is on the other end Ima click you over so you'll be on three way 
(Beyonce) Oh my God thank you sooo much 
(Kelly) Bey you know I always got yo back but you also know I don't like lying to Shawn for you he is like my big brother 
(Beyonce) I know and I'm sorry click me over
Kelly clicked Beyonce over
(Beyonce) Hello
*Kelly is still listening*
(Jay) Hello
(Beyonce) Yea
(Jay) What too you so long to come to the phone
(Beyonce) Sorry I was in the bathroom
(Jay) O.ok are you still gona be home by 6
(Beyonce) Yep I'm on my way now. I just had to pee first 
(Jay) O.ok I'll see you in a few then
(Beyonce) Ok bye baby
(Jay) Bye
Jay hangs up but Kelly and Bey are still on the phone.
(Kelly) Beyonce where are you and why are you lying to him
(Beyonce) I'm with Lydelle
(Kelly) Beyonce don't tell me you cheating-
(Beyonce) No I will never do that I just wanted to be with him alone and I knew if I told Shawn where I was really going he would of wanted to come too
(Kelly) Smh but ok you leaving right now aren't you
(Beyonce) Yea as soon as I say good bye
(Kelly) Ok girl don't do anything stupid
(Beyonce) *Laughs* I'm not.. bye girl 
(Kelly) Bye
They hang up
(Lydelle) What was that about 
(Beyonce) It doesn't matter but I should be getting back home 
(Lydelle) Ok I'll walk you out
 Lydelle walked Beyonce to her car and gave her a hug
(Lydelle) I'll call you tomorrow
(Beyonce) Ok
Before Beyonce pulled off she checked her her phone she had a missed call from Jay and a text message from Solange that said she was gona keep Hazel until the morning she replied and pulled off.

(Jay) Alright man you done got high and ate it's time fa you to go
(Ty Ty) *laughs* I was just leaving anyway
(Jay) Can you drive 
(Ty Ty) I called a cab already I'll pick my car up tomorrow
(Jay) Alright man smh
(Ty Ty) Alright
Ty had left and when he was leaving out Bey was coming in it's about 6:15
(Bey) Hey Ty Ty
(Ty Ty) *hugs Beyonce* What up girl
(Bey) Nothing much
(Ty Ty) That's good but I'll holla at you another time
(Beyonce) Alright

(Beyonce) Hey baby *hugs Jay*
(Jay) Hey what is that smell on you
(Beyonce) What smell
(Jay) It smell like cologne
(Beyonce) Ummm I don't know baby I just hugged Ty Ty and Kelly's new friend was at her house and we hugged so it's probably one of theirs.
(Jay) O
(Beyonce) But ima shower anyway and Solange said she is gona keep Hazel until the morning *Heading up to the bathroom*
(Jay) *following her* O.ok thats cool are you hungry
(Beyonce) Yea but I don't want that food from earlier 
(Jay) Good because Ty Ty ate it anyway 
(Beyonce) Just order a pizza
(Jay) Ok
Jay orders a pizza and Beyonce gets in the shower
(Beyonce) Lord knows I hate lying to him but was I suppose to say OH this cologne that you're smelling came from Lydelle I was at his restaurant and we was dancing ummmmm no I dont think so
Beyonce showered for about 20 minutes and when she got out she saw Jay sitting on the bed watching a movie eating pizza so she put on one of his T-shirts and joined him 
(Beyonce) Baby you only left me 5 slices
(Jay) Only? 
(Beyonce) I'm eating for 2 now did you forget 
(Jay) No but I didn't think you would eat a whole box of pizza by your self
(Beyonce) You must not know me at all *eating the pizza*
(Jay) *laughs* So what did Kelly want
(Beyonce) Ummm she wanted me to meet her new friend
(Jay) And she couldn't wait until to tomorrow 
(Beyonce) I guess not.
(Jay) Yall was at her house all day
(Beyonce) Yep
(Jay) O.ok
(Beyonce) Ok now be quiet so I can hear the movie
(Jay) *laugh* Sorry
Beyonce and Jay at pizza and watched a couple of movies until they feel asleep and the next morning Beyonce felt soooo guilty for lying to Jay so she decided to cook him some breakfast so Bey is in the kitchen cooking and Jay is just coming down the stairs

(Jay) You're cooking
(Beyonce) *laughs* A good morning would of been nice
(Jay) *laughs* Sorry good morning baby
(Beyonce) Good morning 
(Jay) So what is all of this, it actually looks good
(Beyonce) *laughs* So what are you trying to say
(Jay) Nothing
(Beyonce) Hmmmp I think you're saying I can't cook
(Jay) *laughs* No what I'm saying *kisses Bey* is that your food looks good
(Beyonce) Awww thank you baby. Now sit down the food is done
(Jay) Ok let me run outside and grab the paper first
(Beyonce) K
Jay goes out side and gets the paper while Bey is fixing their plates. 
(Jay) *walking into the kitchen* Beyonce what is this
(Beyonce) Pancakes and-
(Jay) I'm not talking about the food I'm talking about this *hands Beyonce the paper*
Beyonce reads the paper and looks at Jay.
(Jay) You wana tell me why its a picture of you hugging some guy at a restaurant on the front page of the paper.
(Beyonce) Baby I-
(Jay) Beyonce its talking about yo new man-
(Beyonce) My new man? What?
(Jay) That's what the paper say *reading the paper to Beyonce* "Beyonce's New Man Is She And Rap Superstar Jay-Z Broken Up "
(Beyonce) Baby I-
(Jay) You told me you was with Kelly last night and you can't say this picture is old because you don't wear same thing twice and this is what you had on yesterday when you left the house
(Beyonce) Shawn I can explain
(Jay) And when you do don't let it be lie because right now I'm not mad
(Beyonce) The truth is before I went over Kelly's house I seen this new restaurant and I wanted to check it out
(Jay) But in the pic you don't have any carry out bags and that don't explain why you're hugging some dude
(Beyonce) Can I finish 
(Jay) I'm listening
(Beyonce) When I went inside the guy in the pic said they was not open yet so he walked me to my car and said come back tomorrow and I hugged him because it was Lydelle it was his restaurant
(Jay) Lydelle your friend from yesterday
(Beyonce) Yes
(Jay) And that's the truth 
(Beyonce) Yes baby remember you called me on Kelly's phone yesterday
(Jay) O'yea
(Beyonce) Can we eat now
(Jay) *looks at Bey* Sure

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