A Mother's Promise

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(Beyonce) *Looks at Jay* Hey babe

(Jay) Hey baby. 

(Ty) Is she the only one you see sitting here 

(Jay) My bad what's up Ty

(Ty) *Getting up off the couch and heading to the door* uhun I don't want no hi from you now I'm out of here see you Bey

(Beyonce) *Laughs* Bye Ty

Jay) Wait *turning to Ty* Could you take Hazel to my moms house Brooklynn is there she said she will watch her me tonight

(Ty) O now you need a favor

(Jay) Ty please

(Ty) Ok only because you my homie

(Beyonce) *Talking to Hazel* Go to uncle Ty he is going to take you to see your Aunt Brooklynn (Hazel) Ok mommy

(Beyonce) *kisses Hazel* Ty please feed her before you drop her off

(Ty) *picks up Hazel* Alright I got you but my car seats 2 and is not baby proof so like ima need yo keys Bey

(Beyonce) *grabs her keys off the table and tosses them to Ty* Drop Hazel off and park my car and I expect it to be on full when you bring it back tomorrow

(Ty) *catches keys* I'll think about *walks out front door*

(Beyonce) *shakes her head at Ty then looks at Jay* Where were you

(Jay) *Walking towards Beyonce* I needed some air and I needed to think 

(Beyonce) Beyonce Shawn I'm your wife your suppose to talk to me. You can't shut me out when you hurt I hurt Shawn

(Jay) *Sits on couch and grabs Beyonce hand* I know and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left, I'm sorry I yelled and I'm sorry I made us miss our honeymoon

(Beyonce) We can always reschedule plus I think it will be a good idea to stay here and see what's going on with Hazel

(Jay) I love you

  (Beyonce) I love you too *grabs Jay's face and kisses him* So what's on your mind

(Jay) You. *giving Beyonce a seductive look*

(Beyonce) Jay I told you I'm-

Jay stops Beyonce in mid sentence and kisses her

(Beyonce) *Pushes Jay away* Stop before I get to horny I told you I'm on my period

(Jay) I don't care I want to make love to my wife right now

(Beyonce) That's nasty and its not gonna happen. NO!

 (Jay) I don't care I need to relieve some of this stress Jay kisses Beyonce again

(Beyonce) Jay I'm not about to have sex with you on my white couch so it can get all bloody

(Jay) So lets go to the bedroom the sheets can go in the garbage *Picks Beyonce up and carries her to the bed room*

(Beyonce) *Lays on the bed* I can't believe you want to have sex while my cooch is bleeding this is disgusting

(Jay) Not me *Climbs on Beyonce and starts tonging her down while ripping off her clothes* (Beyonce) *Beyonce breaks the kiss* Why do always gotta tear my clothes up? If you ask me to take them off I-

(Jay) Shut up *Kisses Beyonce*

Beyonce listened and started undressing Jay and soon they both was butt booty ass necked. Jay started fingering Beyonce

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