It's Time For A Much Needed Break!!!

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I'm @HereIVBey2 on Twitter and Kyesha Marie Ford on Facebook. Don't forget to leave your comments you can write on my Facebook wall or mention me or write on the blog ya'll comments mean a lot but anyway. ON TO THE STORY 

*Angie's house*

(Kanye) Why are you always bitching Angie

(Angie) What do you mean bitching...... you know what I am soooo sick of you

(Kanye) The feeling is mutual

(Angie) O' so that's why we aint married yet

(Kanye) Angie why are you in a rush to get married

(Angie) Hello!!!!!! Stupid I am the mother of your two kids

(Kanye) Ok that doesn't mean  we have to be married. Angie look I'm not ready for that type of commitment at lease not yet

(Angie) Then when will you be 

(Kanye) When you stop pressuring me look I gotta go. Do you want me to take Kenya with me I'll keep her for the weekend. That way you can take care of Junior

(Angie) And that's another thing why aren't we living together yet

(Kanye) Because I don't want to loose my freedom

(Angie) What!!!?

(Kanye) That's not what I ment

(Angie) But that's what you said

(Kanye) Look. I'm sorry. I gotta go. Do you want me to take Kenya or what?

(Angie) No. I'll be fine 

(Kanye) Are you sure

(Angie) Yes.

(Kanye) Ok well imma go say goodnight to my daughter for me and imma be out I'll see you later *kisses Angie* Bye

(Angie) *rolls eyes* Bye

Kanye kisses Junior and Kenya goodnight and he leave.

*Bey and Jay's house*


(Jay) So what time is Solange bringing Hazel home

(Beyonce) She should be on her way now. What time is it now

(Jay) *Grabs Bey's phone off the table to check the time* Ummm it's 11:52am but you got a text message 

(Beyonce) Who is it from?

(Jay) Lydelle

(Beyonce) O let me see *reaching for her phone*

(Jay) *Calm yo puss* Any other time you will tell me to read it. So what's different about this time

(Beyonce) Nothing baby can I just have my phone please

(Jay) Ok *passing Bey her phone*

(Beyonce) *reads text message in her head* (Lyd) Last night was fun when can we hang out again I really miss spending time with you Bey. (Beyonce) *smiles and put her phone down without replying*

(Jay) What's funny what did the text say

(Beyonce) O nothing he just said good morning

(Jay) I tell you good morning everyday and you don't smile like that

(Beyonce) Baby you have nothing to worry about *getting up from the table*

(Jay) Where you going?

(Beyonce) To take a shower *putting her plate in the dishwasher*

(Jay) *Stands up and put his plate in the dishwasher* Ok I'm coming with you then

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