Heart to Heart to Heart

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(Jay) What?
 (Beyonce) Jay she was pregnant with twins and she lost one.
 (Jay) Twins? 
(Beyonce) Yes twins
 (Jay) So what about the other baby
 (Beyonce) He or she is fine
 (Jay) Well I dont know if I should be happy or sad 
(Beyonce) Just get some rest
 (Jay) Nawl Ive had enough rest I just wana get out of here but how is Keri doing
(Beyonce) She is ok just a little sad about loosing one of the babies.
 (Jay) Did she know she was pregnant with twins 
(Beyonce) No, after she kicked me out the doctor came in and told her the good news
 (Jay) So how did you fine out if she kicked you out 
(Beyonce) I listened in when I saw the doctor go in her room
. (Jay) Ok could please go find my nurse I really want to go see her
 (Beyonce) I really think you need your rest.
 (Jay) I think we need to talk Beyonce 
(Beyonce) About what 
(Jay) About you respecting her, I know you dont like her because of what happen but as long as she is carrying my child she is gona be apart of our lives and Im sorry about everything believe me this is not what I wanted but baby it happened and I am truly sorry.
 (Beyonce) *crying* I wanted to have your first child. I wanted to be Mrs.Carter. I wanted your oldest child to be calling me mommy. Jay this wasn't suppose to happen and this is gona take me a long time to get use to and no I'm not happy about this. To be honest its taking all the strength I have in my body to keep me here. Jay I love you more than I love myself sometimes and its killing my soul knowing that you cheated on me and knowing that you made love with somebody besides me. That was something we shared with each other and shouldn't of shared with nobody else.
(Jay) Baby listen I love you more than I love myself all the time and what me Keri did was not making love it was just sex and it was only one time baby believe me I am sooooo sorry *Getting up off the bed*
(Beyonce)Shawn what are doing you're gonna hurt yourself stop sit back down
(Jay) No its something I need to do 
(Beyonce) Jay Keri will be fine I'll go find a wheelchair for you baby sit-- 
(Jay) Beyonce SHUT UP!!! and let me do this *Jay falls to the ground*
(Beyonce) Baby OMG!!! are you ok
(Jay) Beyonce im fine *getting on one knee* Now can you please do me a favor*
(Beyonce) Sure what is it
(Jay) I want you to look in my jacket pocket and grab the box and give it to me
(Beyonce) Ok but are your sure you don't want me to help you back into the bed
(Jay) BEYONCE!!!!!!!!! Please just do what I ask you to do *Jay is now in soooooooooooooooo much pain*
(Beyonce) OK! *going to get the box* Here!! *handing the box to Jay*
(Jay) *Still down on his one good knee* I was gona wait until your birthday next month to give this to you but I think this is the perfect time to give it to you
(Beyonce) *Confused* Give me what?
(Jay) This!! *Shows Beyonce the $500,000 ring*
(Beyonce) Jay 
(Jay) Will You Marry Me? Beyonce I love you sooooo much and you being here by my side after all I did just proved to me that you are the only one for me.I love you more than you could ever imagine and I really want you to be Miss Carter
(Beyonce) *Crying* Baby I don't know what to say
(Jay) Well I wish you say something before I die of pain this getting down on one knee with a broken leg hurts like hell
(Beyonce) *Gets down on one knee matching Jay's height* *Laughs* Of course i'll marry you
*Jay puts the ring on Beyonce finger and they shared a very passionate kiss and Jay forgot about all the pain he was in*
*Nurse walks in and see jay and bey on the  floor kissing*
(Nurse) OMG!! Mr.Carter if I come in here again and your on the floor imma leave you there
(Jay) *Breaking the kiss he and Bey was sharing* I'm sorry but she said she will marry me
(Nurse) Well congratulation now lets get you back in the bed again
(Jay) Ok 
Beyonce stands up and help the nurse put jay in the bed and then begins walking towards the door 
(Jay) Baby where you going
(Beyonce) I'll be back *Walking out the room*
A few minutes later Bey arrived at Keri's room and she was packing up and getting ready to leave. Beyonce takes off the ring jay gave her and sticks it in her pocket and walks into the room
(Beyonce) Keri can we please talk
(Keri) *looks at Beyonce* About what
(Beyonce) Listen I am soooo sorry about everything. I'm not admitting I was wrong because you are pregnant by my man
(Keri) How did you know I was still pregnant 
(Beyonce) I heard the doctor tell you the good news and I'm willing to live with it and I'll be the best step mom ever if you let her around me
(Keri) Listen Bey I am the one that should be apologizing I knew he was with you when we slept together but I was lonely and a little sexually frustrated.
(Beyonce) Well I'm not gonna say its okay because its not but ima live with it *Beyonce takes the ring out her pocket* Jay and I are getting married 
(Keri) I'm really happy for
(Beyonce) Thanks I know where not friends and may not ever be but I will respect you and Imma need the same respect.
(Keri) Ok and i'll do that and tell your sister don't worry about the charges I'll drop them
(Beyonce) Thanks do you wana go see him I'll take you to him room
(Keri) Ok
They walked down the hall to Jays room
(Jay) Whaaaaaaat I'm shocked yall together and there is no naming calling
(Beyonce) Shut up we had a little heart to heart
(Jay) So how you doing
(Keri) I'm fine what about you
(Jay) Well because I kept getting out the bed I broke my leg in two more places so ima be stuck in this cast until 08
(Beyonce) That's three years what about the wedding
(Jay) Well we can wait 3 more years. Plus the cast will be gone in about 8 months I'll just need a cane
(Beyonce) *kisses Jay* I can wait
(Keri) Get a room
(Jay&Bey) *Laughs*
(Keri) Well I just wanted to make sure you was ok ima go home and get some rest
(Jay) Ok. See you
(Beyonce) Bye
About 20 minutes later while Jay and Bey was joking around and planning the wedding the doctor and the nurse walked into the waiting room
(Doctor) So how are you feeling
(Jay) Besides the pain I'm in im ok
(Doctor) Ok that normal so Nurse Olivia is gona but you in a cast and you have to stay off your leg until the cast is removed in 8months and please remember you cant get the cast wet
(Jay) So you telling me I can't shower for 8months
(Beyonce) *laughs*
(Doctor) You can take a bath just make sure you don't get the cast wet
(Jay) Ok 
(Doctor) Any more questions
(Jay) Yea when is it safe for me to you know *Looks at Beyonce*
(Doctor) Ohhh well as soon as you get home if you want. Your leg is broking but everything else is fine
(Beyonce) *rolls eyes* thanks for everything doctor
(Doctor) Your welcome, Nurse Olivia well put your cast on and then you can go home
(Beyonce) We both can go home together *Looks at Jay*

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