Buying Yaoi (and my struggle)

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Buying yaoi.....

😢 It's a real struggle, if you live with people. But if you live alone and can do whatever you want, your so lucky.

Buying yaoi can be a struggle, especially if your a closet fujoshi or fudanshi. It can be the best but most embarrassing experience depending on how you feel about the situation.

Also like most stuff that you can get in the anime world...... It's expensive.
I live in the United States so it cost more here naturally.
$12.99 each plus f*cking tax😱
But I can honestly say it's worth it in my fujoshi heart but my head is just like:

99 each plus f*cking tax😱But I can honestly say it's worth it in my fujoshi heart but my head is just like:

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*question's life choices*
(Love you violet😙)

Because of this situation I've only been able to get one series which I'm currently updated with and that is Ten Count. I do own volume one of Awkward Silence though but that ain't nothing I need at least most of the series for my satisfaction. But honestly I'm just happy to get yaoi.

When your in whatever store you go to to get that yaoi it's gonna be a little awkward honestly with the cashier but you get used to it. The place I go to to get yaoi usually has anime fans in there. When I made a purchase once the cashier was like "Oh this is cute" and I was like....." I found my people" and now that book store is the one I commonly go too... Because I'm not judged😊.

The End.....

Ok Anyway,
If you are under 18 and go to the store to try and purchase yaoi I recommend 2 things. Because you might not be as lucky as me and be judged(it's probably so much harder on fudanshi'sㄒoㄒ).... Or they maybe even not let you buy because your like 12......:

1. I recommend wearing more laid back but mature outfits when going to buy yaoi. I don't have my own "style" so I just wear stuff that is comfy to make you look like someone from college or something.

My face differs from people, some people think I'm older or younger than I actually am so....Yeah.....

2. Try to have a "I've bought this stuff multiple times so I don't care" face in mind when actually going up and buying it...

I remember the first time I saw yaoi in the bookstore it was displayed sinfully on the shelf still in the wrapped plastic they use for 18+ manga-the
First volume of Ten Count- I was about to have a stroke up in there I swear.

It took me 15 minutes to choose if I should get it and I did. I came up to that register and got it. The cashier seem to not care so I was a little happy but still nervous. But it was my first so yeah. But now it's just the norm...... I still have strokes though don't get me wrong.
I grabbed my friends leg once in the store with people around but I was so excited so yeah. I'm so off topic but yeah those are the two things.

Another thing is hiding it. Now I'm pretty sure most people who Read yaoi are under 18 and I'm one of them so I have to hide mine.

My way of hiding my stash is that I have this basket and I put my yaoi at the bottom. I cover the yaoi with like a sheet and I stack snacks and water on top to think that its just a snack stash. It's worked pretty well and I haven't been caught..... Yet anyway😅.

If you have any yaoi tell me what you do with yours to keep it a secret. Maybe I'll learn something.

I can't really think of any other
struggles so please give me some if I missed any because these are just ones that I go through.

But yeah........
.......That's it I guess.........

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