Chapter 5: The Plan

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"My watch is gone!" Kylian exclaimed, looking around the street.

"Did you see the thief?" Elliot asked the frantic teen.

"It was a small girl and all I noticed was that she had long black hair," Kylian told him, frustrated.

"We can look by the soup kitchen," Adri assured them. "And if we find her, let me talk. Most of the thiefs here steal valuables to feed or clothe themselves, not because they want to make a quick buck."

Heading quickly down the main street, Kylian looked around for the pickpocket, but didn't find anyone out of the ordinary.

"I don't think we'll find her now," Elliot spoke up. "She's bound to know that the watch was valuable and someone's looking for it. She'll probably be out in the streets later, but for now she's smart to hide."

"Let's go back to my house for now," Adri announced, turning around. "We'll look for her again later."

Kylian nodded in agreement as they entered the cottage. He was surprised when Kylian first met Adri that there wasn't any adult in sight, so he asked.

"I've lived here since my mom died a year ago," Adri explained. "She drowned in the lake. I never even met my dad. My parents weren't married and I don't even think my dad wanted to be in my life, but turns out all I needed was my mom anyways. She was so interested in the supernatural and things beyond our existence. My mom especially loved dragons. She had a neat fascination about them that lead her to research all about them and why they disappeared."

"How do you survive without your parents?" Holden asked curiously, earning a sharp jab in the side from Lilith.

"It's fine Lilith. I'm happy to answer your questions. Elliot and his dad help me out during the worst times. I have a small job at the library. Our community is very helpful. We have the soup kitchen here of course. Demetrios tries to help the unfortunate as much as he can. He was once poor and homeless as well. Only through his good deeds and hard work did he become successful."

"Then why are there still pickpockets out there?" Kylian asked. "Maybe we should help them as well."

"Unfortunately, we don't have alot of money to give out," Adri explained. "but I think it would be wonderful if we could help out the needy in that way. There still isn't a shelter for the homeless yet. Maybe we can make that happen."

Kylian hoped that they could help in any way possible, but for now they needed answers on how to get home.

"I don't think we've had anyone come from your world," Adri told them, stumped. "Except..."

"Wait Adri. Do you really think?" Elliot trailed off, looking at her in astonishment.

"It may be possible," she confirmed. "Lord Demetrios wasn't born here in Terradel. In fact, no one knew where he was from. He showed up one day as a teenager and was taken in by an elderly woman who had lost her husband and kids a few years back. She's deceased now, but only that woman knew of his origin besides himself. I've decided that tomorrow we are going to visit Lord Demetrios and see if he will tell us what happened to him."

"But Adri! He refuses to speak to anyone! His depression has rendered him unsociable. Only his nephew will talk in his place," Elliot exclaimed.

"Then we'll talk to him first and see if he can convince Demetrios to tell us," Adri answered, determined. "This may be the only way to get them home."

They all agreed to her plan. Elliot went home while Holden, Lilith, and Kylian all slept in Lilith's sitting room, Lilith on the couch and the boys on the floor.

"They seem trustworthy," Holden murmured that night when they were all laying in the dark. All three found it extremely hard to sleep. What would their parents think when they found them gone? They still didn't even know how to get home yet nor knew if they ever would be able to.

"I say we go with what they suggest," Kylian answered, whispering in the dark. His eyes were focused on the ceiling, even though he couldn't see a thing. "The citizens in this town seem friendly from what we have encountered. Even the ruler seems humble and modest, even if he's depressed."

"But what if we don't find our way home?" Lilith asked. "We may have all the help we can get, but that doesn't guarantee our return."

Leave it to Lilith to voice all of our fears, Kylian thought as he turned over.

"We won't ever get to sleep if we keep that in mind," Holden spoke up. "Nor will we ever have hope that we can go back to New York. Focus on the fact that we are getting help and they won't quit until we've figured out how to return."

For once, Holden said the coaxing words that let all of them relax and drift off to sleep. Kylian had noticed that even though he was a joking person, Holden could always be supportive and motivate them to keep trying. Even Lilith's fierce attitude covered her actual worries and care for her friends.

It took him awhile, but Kylian finally willed himself to go to sleep with the hope that tomorrow they would catch the thief and find out how to get back to his world. He was no way close to anyone in his family but Lilith, yet found himself dreaming that he had made it back home with his family welcoming him back with open arms.

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