Chapter 9: New Discoveries

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Lilith trudged through the dirt path with Holden humming behind her. Being friends for a long time, Lilith wasn't bothered by what Holden did anymore. He had ADHD and although it wasn't major, he had both the inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive types.

Before he was even her friend and diagnosed, she often found him annoying. They were always next to each other in class because their names were next to each other in the alphabet. Lilith always told him to knock it off when he was distracting and not paying attention.

Kylian was a much more patient person and found the sweet and caring person Lilith didn't discover until 5th grade when they became friends. Yet they were always near each other even before then because he became Kylian's best friend in 2nd grade. Lilith always cared for him and made sure he didn't get injured or in trouble.

She never expected that this care was more than friendship. They've been friends for 8 years now and it wasn't until freshman year that Lilith even understood love and that she might feel it for Holden.

She shook herself out of her thoughts when she realized there was no more humming. Looking around, she didn't see Holden anywhere. Where did he go?

"Holden?!" Lilith called. She had stopped walking and the orb also halted.

"Here Lilith!" he called. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw him emerge from the tall grasses holding a flower.

"Here you go," Holden smiled, tucking a blue-purple flower behind Lilith's ear. She took hold of his hand as they continued to follow the orb.

"Do you think that we'll get out of here if we complete this quest?" he asked quietly. She looked at Holden, who was staring at nothing in particular.

"I really hope so," she told him. "And I think that together we can conquer this."

"Even the rude girl?" he asked thoughtfully.

Lilith shrugged. "Maybe she'll surprise us. Kylian sees something special in her. There must be a reason for that because he never looks at other girls the way he did to her."

"Yeah," Holden agreed. "He looked at her the way I look at you."

Lilith turned to him, but he was already busy picking a few flowers on the side of the road. I don't think he knew what he said affected me so much, she thought. Before she could say anything else, Lilith tripped and fell.

"Lilith!" he gasped, throwing the flowers down and running to help her.

"I'm fine," she assured him, brushing off the dirt that stained her jeans.

"Woah Lilith. Look!" She stood up and looked down to see the orb circling a print. It was definitely not human and too big to be any other mammal that she knew of.

"A dragon must have been here," Holden said in awe. Reaching down to touch it, the dirt immediately moved around and the print was starting to get messed up.

"Not only was it a dragon, but this is fresh," she concluded before taking her hand away.

"That was a kind thing you did back there," Adri said to Elliot as they were led into a grassy area

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"That was a kind thing you did back there," Adri said to Elliot as they were led into a grassy area.

"What do you mean?" he asked, turning to his friend.

"Volunteering to shelter Lyra and her brother," she answered, her green eyes twinkling.

"Oh. Of course I would," Elliot said in a matter-of-factly voice. "How could I just leave her on the streets? Especially after Lycan refused to house her."

"I know," she sighed. "I didn't think Lycan would do that, but money is beginning to get scarce and Lycan has been adding to the tax everyday."

"I don't know what's happening with the town these days," Elliot sighed. "It seems more and more people are becoming poor, I had to help out a few. Lyra is only our age and she's already having to take care of a child. Besides, she reminds me of you."

"Of me?"

"Of course. She's just a teenager going through a rough time like you did. My father helped you out and now it's time for me to help her."

"Why are you so admirable?" she asked, laughing before turning her focus on the light.

Not as admirable as you, he thought, focusing his eyes on her. Lyra might have gone through a tough time, but Adri had too and she still had the courage to stay positive all this time. She did him a favor without hesitation and let three strangers into her home and even helped them with their quest.

If only he weren't as shy as he was or else he would have chased her a long time ago. There was no girl out there as kind and gracious as Adri, but their strong friendship and fear of rejection had stopped him from doing anything out of the ordinary for years. It was probably best this way, he thought.

"Elliot! Come look at this!" she called, snapping him out of his stupor. He caught up to the red-haired girl and looked in her hands.

She was holding a wooden arrow. The end was covered in a black but dry substance.

"What in the world is this?" Adri asked, rubbing her thumb over the hard substance.

"I don't know," he said truthfully. "We should take it back with us though. Maybe my dad will know."

Suddenly, they heard a call for them and started running. Was someone hurt? The orb led them to a pier. Next to it was a huge waterfall, but what made Elliot's jaw drop and Adri's eyes widen were the magnificent beasts standing in front of them.

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