Chapter 17: The Second Traitor

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Adri and Elliot hurried through the streets to Lycan's house. Elliot almost crashed into Adri when she suddenly stopped.

"What?" he asked, looking around, but she put a finger to her lips.

"How can the weather just suddenly change like that?" a woman was asking her husband. "It's not possible."

"There's magic everywhere," he answered. "Anything can happen."

The woman caught Adri looking at her, who suddenly grabbed Elliot and started walking again.

"We need to keep our powers on a low," Adri told him. "Although right now our powers aren't even working."

When they arrived, she knocked on the door, but no one answered. Adri turned the doorknob and was surprised to find it unlocked. They crept inside and saw Demetrios' door open.

"I wonder why Lycan left him alone," Adri said out loud. "He never leaves his uncle by himself."

"Hey Adri. Look at this," Elliot shouted, spotting an open book in the kitchen.

It was a very old leather bound journal that had been open to a page that made Elliot immediately begin to worry.

"What does it say?" she asked, coming over to him.

"It's a potion," he replied. "Demetrios isn't sick and dying from a broken heart. He's drinking this potion that makes him weak."

Adri grabbed the book out of his hands and started scanning the page. The page was filled with ingredients for a potion that could make someone sick forever.

"Wait," Adri said. "This says that to make the potion work you have to chant a spell, but only warlocks can cast spells."

"Are you saying that Lycan is a warlock?" Elliot asked.

"I think we can conclude that Lycan isn't on our side," she said instead. "I mean why on earth would he weaken his uncle?"

"To gain power maybe?" Elliot asked.

"He has power already. Warlocks can cast dark magic," she replied. "That must not be why."

"It's to keep me out of the way," a voice croaked from behind them. They turned to see Demetrios' eyes opened.

Adri rushed to his side and helped sit him up.

"If I'm strong, then I could stop him from capturing and killing other dragons," he answered. "I'm only kept alive as a cover."

"He must be working with Jacques," Adri concluded. "Alright Demetrios, we're going to bring you to Elliot's so that we can watch over you. No more forcing you to drink that potion that will keep you weak."

"And how are we supposed to do that?" Elliot asked. Adri pointed to the wheelchair.

"Now help me lift him up," she continued.

Elliot's dad glanced at the journal in his hand

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Elliot's dad glanced at the journal in his hand.

"This is definitely dark magic," he told them. "Lycan must be a warlock to be able to make these potions."

"Is there an antidote?" Elliot asked.

"There's always a way to reverse a spell," he assured. "It won't be in this book though. Let me look through my own. I may not be a warlock but they don't call me healer for nothing. I'm sure I can find a way to heal him."

Elliot and Adri followed him into a different room while Lilith and Lyra stayed in the living room. Mino was currently talking to Demetrios in the room they were going to share.

"So are you okay with being apart of this?" Lilith asked Lyra.

"Of course," she smiled. "Having so many emotions at once was too much for me. I both care and have friendship with all of you, yet felt a little out of place. As for Kylian, he was just making my head spin."

"Oh really?" she asked, a smile on her face.

"No-nothing like that," Lyra stammered. "I mean...oh never mind you know exactly what I mean."

Lilith laughed and was honestly glad that Lyra was just as confused about her emotions as Kylian was, yet they both seemed to have the same feelings.

"Mino seems to get along with Demetrios just fine." Kylian told them, coming into the room. "What are you two giggling about?"

"Nothing," Lilith murmured, whispering to Lyra she said, "We'll talk later." He looked at them for a moment before breaking into a smile.

"It's good to see that you two are geting along," he said, mostly towards Lilith.

"Speaking of getting along, let's talk Lyra," Holden suddenly requested. Lilith and Kylian looked at each other in shock, before moving into the kitchen where they could eavesdrop.

"Kylian must not have told you that when you left, there was somewhat of a rift," he started hesitantly. "He was mad at both us and himself."

"Holden," she interrupted. "You don't need to apologize or say anything else. I know how Kylian works and it really wasn't any of your faults but mine. I was the one who left because I needed to get a hold of my emotions. Don't overthink this. I promise you did nothing wrong."

"But we did," he responded. "And I truly think you are part of the group."

"Thanks Holden," Lyra replied. "Your words mean alot."

He cleared his throat a little awkwardly, but it ended in Lyra laughing at his little action and she turned to Lilith.

"Come on girl. Let's go have that little talk," she said. "Up for a little walk?"

Lilith smiled and slung her arm over the other girl's shoulder. They were going to open up to each other and Lilith felt amazing. She never had someone to talk to like this and now Lyra was the answer to her wish.

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