Chapter 7: Demetrios' Story

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Later that night, Adri brought them to the middle of the town square. There sat a wooden two-story house painted white with a shingled roof. It certainly was the nicest house in the town, but was very simple compared to the houses in New York.

"How are we going to get in?" Lilith asked, surprised to see that there were no guards nearby.

"I know his nephew and he might let us in to talk," Adri answered.

"Speaking of Lycan, there he is," Elliot said, pointing to a handsome young man that was probably in his late 20s. Kylian was surprised to see that he was talking to the same girl they had run into earlier that day.

"You don't have anything to pay with?" Lycan asked. "I don't see how I can let you rent out a room. How about that?"

The black-haired man pointed to the golden watch that sat on her wrist. She followed his line of vision to see him looking at her gift and unconsciously touched it. Kylian could figure that she didn't want to give it to him, but she had no choice if she wanted somewhere to stay.

"No need," Elliot spoke up, walking up to the man and pulling the girl's other wrist. She stumbled a little, but followed him.

"She can stay with me for free," he announced, before he saw her little brother and took his hand as well.

"I don't need pity," she murmured, snatching her hand back.

"It's not pity, it's a gracious gift so please take it under consideration," Elliot argued. The little boy tugged her hand and silently pleaded with her. The girl's face melted and she nodded.

"Ok then. It's settled," Lycan responded before turning to leave.

"Wait Lycan!" Adri called. His face brightened when he saw the red-haired girl.

"Adrianna!" he smiled. "It's good to see you again!"

"You too Lycan. We should catch up later, but I have a favor to ask," she said quickly.

Soon they were led into the house. Kylian could tell that it was well taken care of, but most of his thoughts were on the girl. She noticed his stare and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Kylian shrugged, unfazed by her rude voice. "Nothing really. What's your name?"

"Why does it matter?"

"I have a feeling we're going to see alot of each other if you're staying with Elliot. My name's Kylian."

"It's Lyra," she said shortly, before giving him a look that said she was quite done with the questions.

Lyra might have found him annoying, but he just found her personality interesting. She would snap at him without a doubt and then the next moment melt over her little brother. At least he knew that Lyra wasn't a terrible person like she wanted him to think.

"He's not looking very well, even more sickly than usual," Lycan told them. Kylian peered into the bedroom to see an elderly man sleeping in a small bed.

"How long has he been sick?" Adri asked, walking over to the bed.

"For years," Lycan revealed. "He was so depressed that he made himself sick. Eventually it just got worse and worse. My uncle can barely speak or move anymore."

"He's literally going to die from a broken heart," Holden murmured, earning an eye roll from Kylian and a sharp jab in the stomach from Lilith. This really wasn't the time to joke.

"Alright," Lilith sighed. "I guess we'll be on our way."

The only chance that they had to figure out how to get home was gone.

"But I think that I can help you," Lycan told them, Adri's face brightening.

"Really? You know about Lord Demetrios' origin?" she asked. "Like where he was from?"

"He's told me everything," Lycan said matter-of-factly. "I can help you if you tell me why."

"Well my friends," Adri started, gesturing to Kylian, Holden, and Lilith, "Are from a different world they call Earth. They said that they came from a cave, which is on the other side of the Enchanted Forest, but they don't know how to get back home."

"That happened to my uncle," Lycan said. "He told me a long time ago that he came from a place called England. Demetrios was only 18 at the time and he was very confused when he went through a waterfall right into Terradel. He found this little town, which at that time was ruled by a king who taxed all the people to pay for his palace. Needless to say, he had a good heart and went on a quest to overthrow the king. However, the king had an army filled with riders and their dragons. There was no way he could defeat him by himself, so he rounded up the townspeople to fight against the king. Demetrios ended up finding his own dragon along the way and together they defeated the army. He tore down the palace and gave the money to his people before finding out that he had one chance to go through the waterfall back to his home."

"However, the dragons became restless and started disappearing. Demetrios gave up that last chance to figure out what was happening. But before he could, his dragon died and he was succumbed to depression. And the portal to England never opened up again."

"Do you think that they are here to...finish what Demetrios started?" Adri asked, gasping. "Maybe you were brought here for a reason!"

"You think that maybe even Demetrios was responsible for them coming here?" Elliot asked.

"It's possible," Lycan told them. "At Terradel, magic is everywhere."

"The prophecy," Elliot murmured. "Six heroes will save the beasts before they become lost forever."

"6?" Lilith asked, counting all of us.

"Clearly they meant him as well," Lyra sighed. "I'm not apart of this."

"I am in no shape for a journey," Lycan argued. "Besides, I need to take care of my uncle."

"It doesn't matter," Adri said, shaking her head. "If it's the only way to save the dragons and my friends, I'm in."

Elliot immediately stepped in as well. "If Adri's in, then I am too."

They looked at Lyra, although all of them felt uncomfortable at the thought of the theif coming with them. She looked at them like they were absurd. Lyra had just met these people and they think she would die for them?!

"She's coming," Kylian said before she could open her mouth to deny it. He ignored her glare and looked at Lycan.

" do we start this quest?"

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