*Special Chap*

46 2 7

-I got the name Terradel by plugging "Land of Dragon" into Google Translate until I found what I liked. Terradel is actually just "Land of," but it had a nice flow so I used it
-I planned the death of the main character before this plot was even thought of
-I was originally going to have Lyra and Kylian tell each other that they loved each other while Lyra was dying, but a hit like that is death on instant impact
-I started an outline after chapter 7 and followed through nicely, so that was relieving
-I was going to have their powers be a more explored idea but there wasn't much time for that in the story
-The reason I didn't actually give Elliot's dad a name was because I didn't find one that suited him on my list, so as of now he doesn't have one

Undetermined Answers~
-I think that when Lilith and Holden got back, time didn't pass while they were away and Kylian was erased from everyone's mind except theirs
-Kylian was always a rider, his dragon was actually born after the battle and he finally came in contact with it at the end
-I'd also like to think that Lilith and Holden got together after their adventure and Kylian and Lyra always knew that the other loved them

1. How I named my characters
-Elliot and Adri were both named by my Pw friends so thanks guys! Lyra is a name I only use for special characters and she happened to be one. She's named after a constellation. Kylian and Demetrios were either apart of my or my friend's list that I liked really well. Lycan is the mixture of Lysander+Lorcan, Luna Lovegood's kids from Harry Potter. Mino is from Minho, but without the "h" that no one actually pronounced, which is my favorite character in The Maze Runner.
2. How this story originated
-I have to thank my kik friend for coming up with the idea of dragons and different dimensions/portals that led to a different world. From there, the story just kind of created itself. I was without an outline for a good amount and let my creativity take over
3. Why did you kill Lyra and not someone else?
-Lyra is such a relatable person. You got to experience a shift in her world when Kylian wouldn't take no for an answer and persevered in trying to make friends with her. Something I believe in is dying a hero and there's no one more suited for the role of a hero than Lyra. Besides, it might not have made such a huge impact if it was someone else. Kylian and Lyra are both the main characters, despite Lyra being introduced at the 6th chapter. You got to see her changes the most though.
4. Which writers inspire you?
-Writers from my favorite stories such as JK Rowling, Cassandra Clare, and Ridley Pearson inspire all of my writing. Even my Pw friends who also write or authors who I follow on Wattpad inspire me.
5. Do you think there's any connection to your stories?
-I definitely think its possible. Both stories revolve around characters experiencing a new world that they didn't know existed and an idea for a different story also follows that experience
6. What is your favourite quote?
-"You worry too much about what other people say and forget to listen to your own heart"
7. What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?
-My favorite chapter has to be the 20th one. I'm not the best at action scenes, but there's something about crushing the reader's hearts by a tragical death that gets to me. Plus I had the most anticipation for everyone to read it.
8. We all need a hero! Tell us about your protagonist(s)? Was there a real-life inspiration behind him or her?
-I wouldn't say that any of my characters are based off a specific person. Lyra's personality was based off my own. I feel like you always have that one character who portrays yourself or who you would want to be like. Adri and Elliot are common people who are both helpful and nice no matter the situation. Kylian is a little more complex. I feel like he had multiple personalities that probably stemmed from many different people irl. Lilith and Holden were also pretty generic.
9. If you couldn't be an author, what would your ideal career be?
-I'm not a professional and if I wanted to be, I feel like I have a long way to go. I've always wanted to be a vet or teacher though and just write for fun. I have no plans to become a published author because I write for my enjoyment and for the reader's. I wouldn't want people to pay to read my stories either.
10. What are your future project(s)?
-Well I'm on hiatus till November now, but when the time comes I have two ideas already in my head so we'll see how they play out. Currently, I'm working on other stuff that I won't publish on Pw or my regular Wattpad account.

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