Chapter 6 - Planning To Kidnap Asher Part 2

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(Three of the onesies Maddie gets while shopping)

***Lucas's POV***

Lucas: Don't u dare try to touch my daughter if u do I won't hesitate to shoot u and neither will any of my guys.

Unknown: Oh really? Then where's your guns?

Lucas: Do you really think we are that stupid to go anywhere without a gun or knife on us.

She's really looking to get shot because she tries to move the visers. So, she can see Maddie and this made Jackson and me pissed at hell. I look at Soph she knows what to do. But, before she takes Maddie. Callie moves her visor a little bit so she can pick up Maddie. Soph wasn't happy about it either.

Sophia: Don't u fucking dare touch her or try to pick up my daughter. I don't care even if you wanted to say hi but you are not fucking touching her!

Callie continued to do what she wanted and I got done with it and so did Soph. Soph takes Maddie and gives her to Christine. Then goes back to Callie, she punch her dead in the jaw. Callie pulled out a knife fully aware that we will shoot her she tries to stab Soph. I shot her hand and then she tried to do it again but this time the whole gang was in on it and we killed her. We forgot we were in a mall so I told two of my men to take care of her. Then clean up the mess we made. Soph, Chris, Jack, and I went to go shop. Sophia gets some dresses, bibs, and onesies. (all put all the things they get her next chapter) After we bought all the stuff Maddie starts to wake up. She starts to cry Jackson was quick to unbuckle her and pick her. He got her dummy and then he got her bottle and a bib. He gives her, her bottle after he took her dummy. He threw it in her carrier and gave her her bottle. We started walking around and then we finally got tired so we left. Jackson put Maddie back in her carrier and all we got in the car.

*Skip time to home*

We get home and Maddie's wide awake. We walk into the living room. I change her and pick her up. I put her in her jumparoo.

I put her in it and she starts playing with the toys on it

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I put her in it and she starts playing with the toys on it. After a few minutes she starts crying so I pick her up. I take her to our room Soph is laying on the bed in a sports bra and sweat pants. I walk up behind her and lay Maddie on her chest. Maddie started to suck on her nipple but it was covered. So, she couldn't get anything so she started crying and I didn't know Soph was asleep. When Maddie started to cry she woke up and immediately knew what Mads wanted. She pulled her sports bra down so Mads could latch on I looked at soph and she was the happiest person ever.

Lucas: Soph?

Sophia: Hmmm

Lucas: I'm sorry for waking you up. I could've just given her a bottle u didn't have to wake up.

Sophia: It's fine plus I was just waking up to and I love to be able to provide for her. I love her so it doesn't matter. I would have woken up anyway because I was going to change her and put her to bed.

I know with that she meant it. It's almost Mads nap time and while she's taking a nap. I'm going to get Asher and bring him where he belongs.

***Sophia's POV***

I get out of bed and walk to Mads nursery. I go get her clothes she's going to wear to bed and her diaper. After, I get all that done. I get the cooler out of her diaper bag and take that to the kitchen. I forgot that the gang was here and they were all in the kitchen. I didn't get a cover or anything thing. I walk in the kitchen to put the bottles Maddie didn't use in the fridge and put the cooler in the cabinet. I turn around to see everyone staring at me and Maddie. Then, I remembered that she's nursing and I know what they are staring at.

Sophia: What is there a problem with nursing my baby in front of y'all. Well y'all need to get used to it because soon we'll have two babies around here. That are gonna be nursing. If there's a problem I can get Lucas.

The Gang: No there's no proble-

They go to say but are cut off by Lucas.

Lucas: Get me for what?

He comes into the kitchen to see what's going on. He sees me nursing Mads and the whole gang staring at me besides Jackson. He really doesn't care because I do it all the time in front of him so he's used to it.

Lucas: Unless you are Sophia, Madison or me get the fuck out unless you want to be killed.

They know he's not joking either so they all run out. Expect Jackson he just sits there and continues eating I just laugh and walk out. I go to Mads nursery I change her into a onesie and get her ready to go she's asleep. After, she's alseep I lay her on her changing table and change her clothes.

(Maddie's onesie)

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(Maddie's onesie)

I lay her in her crib after I changed her diaper and clothes. I walk downstairs and get her carrier. I small bottle out of the fridge and put it in the diaper bag. I take it to Maddie's room and sat it on the rocking chair. I wait for Lucas to tell me to get ready after a little bit I get called down. We go over the plan and than I go get Maddie put her in her carrier and buckle her in. I pull the viser up and close the cover over the carrier. I go downstairs to the door and go out to the van. I get in the back this van is more like a bus. So I go all the was to the back and sit Maddie's carrier down and diaper bag. We were about to leave when I look at the van and then.

Sophia: Wait! We forgot to get his carrier and diaper bag. I already have everything for him ready. You just have to get it and bring it to the back by me.

Lucas does what I say and gives me his diaper bag and carrier he gets back in. Then, we are off I hope everything goes easy. So it won't be hard, we get there. Lucas and Jackson get out and stand beside the van and wait for him to come it shouldn't be long before he comes.
1207 words yayyy update I hope u guys like it next chapter coming very soon bc while I was writing this chapter I kept getting ideas for what should be in the next chapter so I kept going back and forward between this chapter and the next - aleia

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