Chapter 3

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Picture of Zayn and Harry. >>>


Harry's POV

Louis was lying down on the floor "Have you heard about the new guy yet?" Zayn said "Yeah. The girls are talking about him. It's just his first day and he's already attracting most of the girls"

I nodded "I saw him in Gym Class. He's cute but he could barely run a lap" Louis said "they say he was home schooled his whole life" I snorted. Home school? That's hilarious. Zayn grabbed the chips "I wonder why" Louis shrugged.

I clapped my hands "Maybe we could include him in our group?" Louis' head shot up "The new guy? Include him?" Zayn nodded "That's not such a bad idea"

I said "Imagine 4 attractive guys walking down the hallway. We're gonna be the talk of the school" Louis said "You think he'll agree?" I shrugged.

Zayn looked at his watch "I better go." Louis said "would you mind if I sleep here?" I snorted "you always do" Zayn chuckled and waved good bye.

The next day, Louis and me picked up Zayn from his house. Just when we stopped in front of the school, we saw the new guy and his cousin come out form their car.

Zayn asked "should we ask him now?" I shook my head "Not now. Maybe during recess" they nodded.

I watched the boy walk to school. He didn't seem more special, he looked like an ordinary boy. But we all ordinary, some guys just more attractive than others.

We have Physics together, I remember.

We walked in the classroom. He sat beside Liam Payne, a boy I knew longer than the other boys except for Zayn and Louis. Liam was also attractive if he wasn't so anti-social and if he didn't had an aura like he wanted to kill us.

Louis sat in front of him. I nodded at Louis. Louis nodded back at me and turned around. I could hear their conversation "Hey. What's your name again?" the boy answered with an Irish accent "Niall Horan" "you were home schooled?" Niall nodded.

Louis said "How come?" Niall said "my mom was over protective" Louis said "I see. I see. You like carrots?" I chuckled. Typical Lou to ask something like that. Niall said "I like all types of food"

The teacher came in. I sighed. Just 2 more hours until recess. After an hour long continuous lecture from Mr. Hugh, it was finally Geometry. At least it was a little bit more interesting and I was somehow good at it.

We didn't have to move classes, we just had to change teachers. Ms. Delilah was certainly hot. She's probably the hottest teacher in the school. I heard Zayn say "Stop drooling Harry" I rolled my eyes.

Maybe I'll have a little talk with Ms. Delilah after class.

After class I told Zayn and Louis "meet me in the cafeteria later. And talk to Niall already, maybe you can even include Liam"

Louis nodded and Zayn winked at me. I rolled my eyes again. After everyone left, I "innocently" asked Ms. Delilah "how are my grades going?" Ms. Delilah smiled "Oh Harry. You're doing marvelous!"

I went closer "is there anyway I can do more than that? Maybe extra credit?" I did my killer smile but all Ms. Delilah did was roll her eyes. "Look, Harry I don't know what you've been doing with Ms. Julius but you certainly can't do it with me"

I blushed. How dare she reject me? And what does she care about me and Ms. Julius? I stomped out the classroom.

A few girls asked me "What's wrong?" I just smile and say "nothing"

I finally reached the cafeteria. I saw Louis and Zayn sitting with Niall, Liam and 2 boys I don't really recognize.

I walked towards them. Zayn saw me and shook his head. Wow. Not only did Ms. Delilah reject me but the new guy also did. This isn't my day.

I said "Niall, you don't want to join us?" he smiled "I would love to but I have my own group of friends. But I'd like to be your friend" Okay. I have to admit why the girls found him adorable. I sighed "alright" but we'll get him in.

I nodded to Louis and Zayn. Louis said "it was nice talking to you boys" Zayn smiled and nodded.

We went to the roof where we can get away from all those annoying girls. Louis said "I certainly see why he's the talk of crowd" Zayn nodded. I rolled my eyes "I know. We'll get him in plus he can't be as popular as us right?"

Louis and Zayn nodded but they always agree with me anyway. I shook my head.

Later on, we decided to go to McDonald's. I was pretty hungry. Zayn said "By the way Harry, what happened to Ms. Delilah?" I rolled my eyes "I don't want to talk about it" Louis chuckled.

A blond girl was looking at us and I casually smiled at her. The girl blushed, if only getting Niall and Liam were as easy as getting girls.

Louis patted my hand "stop thinking so deep." I laughed and nudged Lou. Some damn Irish boy and his friend got me thinking so deep. I'm suppose to be carefree. I quickly ate my sundae.

After Lou drop me off at my house. I quickly took a shower. Showers are good. My curls look flat when it's wet. Duh.

I lied down on my bed. I need to look for at least a similarity between the 5 of us.

Calm down Harry. You don't want to look ugly from all this stress. Calm down.

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