Chapter 17

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Picture of Liz Gillies. -->


Harry's POV

"So how was it?" Niall asked Liam. Liam tried to pretend he didn't know what he was talking about. "How was what?" Louis rolled his eyes "Your date with Danielle!"

Liam blushed "Oh. We rode a bunch of roller coasters and we rode this huge Ferris wheel and I won her a unicorn stuff toy!" Niall, Zayn and I chuckled.

Eleanor and Danielle came up to us and kissed their boy friends. Niall looked away, he probably felt uncomfortable.

Danielle looked at us and said "are you guys joining?" I said "joining what?" Danielle said "The Talent Fest. There's posters all around the school" we all looked around and sure enough there were. I wonder why we never noticed them before.

Eleanor said "You guys should join" Louis smiled "of course we will. WE'RE ONE DIRECTION" we laughed. A few people looked at us and went back to their business.

The bell rang. The girls gave their boys a last kiss and went off to class.

By the time we went to the recording studio I was in a bad mood. I have to face that teacher again. Louis asked "You okay Haz?" I smiled and just nodded.

We entered the studio. Everyone was already there.

Ms. Tiffany nodded "boys" we sat on the chairs beside Ariana and Elizabeth or "Liz". Ms. Tiffany said "I know there is a talent fest here and I want ll of you to join. I would like it every much if one of you won"

We all looked at each other and winked.

The 3 boys on the other side just crossed their arms and rolled their eyes. Ariana asked "what's wrong?"

Spencer, the smallest one pointed to us "They are" Liam raised his eyebrows "what did we do?"

Gabe said "They're obviously gonna win. They always do" Liz said "look if you have a--" Gabe cut her off "Why is this band eve called "One Direction" it should be called Liam, the Playboy, the Repeater, the Princess and the Irish Pig" I felt Niall shiver next to me.

Ms. Tiffany said "Gabe that's enough" but too late, Niall started crying. Liam put his arms around him. Louis' hand was clenched to a fist and Zayn was just staring into nowhere.

Ms. Tiffany sighed. Liz said "what the heck? You guys are just jealous you have zero talent, zero looks and zero good attitude" wow. That was pretty nice of Liz.

I've been called a playboy a lot of times but it just really hit me right now.  I have never even dated anyone in this school. How dare he call me playboy?

I look at Nialler. He was still crying. I patted his knee. Liam was hugging him.

Ms. Tiffany sighed again "class dismissed" the 5 of us left as soon as we can. Liam smiled to Niall "How about we go to the Cafeteria?" Niall shook his head. This is a surprise. Being called a "pig" must have hit him.

Louis said "Come on Niall. Don't listen to them. They're just jealous alright? Now let's go eat" Niall said "I don't want to"

I said "Niall" but Zayn snapped back to himself and gave me a look. I guess the best thing we can do is listen to what he says.

Liam's POV

Ever since what happened in the studio room, everything took a drastic change.

Harry wasn't as nice as usual to the other girls. He just blows them off now. Louis stopped being bubbly and cheery. Zayn looked like a mess. He didn't fix his hair like usual and Niall, it's Niall I'm worried about the most. He stopped eating.

Being a High School Student ( A One Direction Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt