Chapter 14

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GIF of Harry, Niall and Louis. -->>


Niall's POV

Darren laughed "How much have you been eating?" I rolled my eyes and replied with a groan. But I have been eating quite a lot these past few days. Ms. Tiffany's party then Louis' sleepover.

Darren said "Well. I have to go to school now. I'll just tell Liam to drop by or something" I smiled "Thanks" he waved goodbye and left.

Great. Now I'm stuck at home, doing nothing but barf. It started last night. After dinner, I felt sick and threw all my guts out. My aunt said I have food poisoning or that I ate too much.

I groaned as I barfed to the bucket beside me. Everybody left for school and Auntie's off to her work. So I'm all alone. I wish Liam, Harry, Zayn and Louis were here. They'd make me feel better.

I stood up. Bad idea. Another barf into the bucket. I slowly made my way downstairs to the kitchen. They didn't even leave me food!? But then again, that's the reason why I got sick. I guess too much of a good thing is a bad thing.

I spent the whole day barfing and watching TV.I even had to make my own lunch. Thank god I didn't barf it out.

Soon enough, Darren and Erik came home. Along with Liam, Harry, Zayn and Louis. I smiled "hey guys. I missed you"

Louis chuckled "How have you been doing Nialler?" I rolled my eyes "It's nice that you find this funny Louis" Liam couldn't help but chuckle as well "That's what you get for eating too much" I simply pouted.

Zayn smiled "So I guess you won't be eating for a while huh?" I gasped and said "Nooooo!" The 4 boys laughed.

Harry said "The Cafeteria felt gloomy without you" I chuckled "Thanks lads, for coming over" Louis winked "anything for our little leprechaun"

My auntie came. "Oh. You must be Niall's new friends" they all nodded. Auntie looked at Liam "nice to see you again Liam" Liam blushed and nodded.

The boys stayed for dinner. Liam made sure I ate just enough. When it as time for them to leave I gave all of them a pat on the back "see you guys tomorrow. I'm feeling way better now"

Harry smiled "you should. Bye Niall" I waved goodbye.

When I heard their car leave. Jaime said "Ohmygod Harry is so cute" Darren rolled his eyes. Jaime asked "didn't Liam hate Harry before?" I smiled "Harry changed" Darren just looked at me then went back up to his room.

What's his problem this time? I sighed and  went back to my old room. I received a bunch of messages from unknown numbers telling me to get well. I replied to every single one of them even though i have no idea who they are.

At least the barfing stopped. I lied down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Waiting for sleep to come in 3...2...1...

The whole school was practically waiting for me to come back. But of course I looked for the 4 boys first.

I saw them near the lockers as usual. I smiled "Hey guys!" they all ran towards me and hugged me "Niall! We thought you wouldn't come!" I smiled "well. Here I am! What's happening?"

The 3 boys looked at Liam. Louis said "Well, Liam has been having girl problems?" I smiled and and looked at Liam "ooh. Is it that Danielle girl?" Liam slowly nodded then blushed.

Zayn said "he wants her to suddenly know how he feels but we're still trying to find out how" I callped my hands "How about you sing her your own song?" Liam looked at me "what type of song" I rolled my eyes "a song that tells you how you feel. Duh"

Harry smiled "That's not a bad idea. And we can help you with that" Liam looked at me "Thanks Niall" I winked "no problem"

We walked to our first class without of course, a hundred girls talking to Harry then asking me if I was okay. I did what Harry usually does. I smiled at them said "Thank you I'm fine" Harry snickered "not bad" I winked "learned it from the master"

We sat in our seats. The teacher said "we have a new student for this class. Ms. Eleanor Calder, please step in" and automatically the 4 of us looked at Louis.

Louis' POV

The 4 boys looked at me. Great. This is just great. Eleanor just walked in. She's really beautiful. Harry was laughing silently beside me.

The teacher said "Ms.Calder. Please sit down behind...Mr. Tomlinson" I tried to keep a poker face but it's hard when the boys keep sending me looks. I am so gonna kill them later.

The girl went behind me. Some of the other girls were talking to her but some of them were sending her bad looks.

Finally. After an awkward hour of trying not to look behind me, it was time for the next class.

I was the first one to leave but then I remembered that I have to kill the boys. I turned around "You guys are so.." but instead of seeing the boys, it was Eleanor. The boys were still wat behind but they were looking at me. I sent them a glare.

I said "sorry" to Eleanor. Eleanor smiled "It's no problem" a quickly moved aside to let her pass. As soon as the boys reached me I gritted my teeth "You guys suck so much" Niall laughed "we're sorry Lou. It was the perfect chance!" I crossed my arms.

Harry patted my back "come on. Time for our next class" Th 5 of us separated. Harry and me in one class. While Liam, Niall and Zayn were in the other.

During recess, we were huddled up in our usual table. Niall seems to be okay seeing that he's eating a lot again. Liam tried to stop him but Niall did his leprechaun powers over Liam causing him to lose. So now, Niall has a tray full of almost everything.

Liam shook his head "Niall, if you get sick again--" Niall clapped his hands "let's compose Liam's song now!" I laughed at how Niall suddenly changed  the topic.

Liam crossed his arms but he was more than excited to start composing.

After recess, I had a class all to myself. Which was pretty sad. But I wasn't alone. Eleanor sat beside me. Thank god the boys weren't here to make things awkward.

I was just staring at my table when Eleanor said "Hi" I smiled at her "hello" she said "I'm Eleanor" I chuckled "I know. I'm Louis"

Eleanor rested her chin on her palm. She was looking at me "I heard you guys are amazing singers" I waved my hands "mostly the other boys" she laughed "No. I think you have a great voice too" she does? yay!

A few girls were sending her glares. I gulped.

Thankfully the teacher came in right in time.

"I heard you guys were in the same class" Harry smirked. I rolled my eyes "whatever Harry" all the boys chuckled.

We were back in the cafeteria, finishing up Liam's song. Liam seemed pretty sincere about Danielle, which is really cute.

And I actually noticed that Danielle and Eleanor talked a lot. They must be friends already. My girl and Liam's girl are friends. Just kidding. She's not my girl yet.

Not yet.

Being a High School Student ( A One Direction Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora