Chapter 15

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Picture of the 5 boys. -->>


Niall's POV

We were done with Liam's song, so I went home feeling pretty excited for Liam.

And when I got home. I received a surprise. Guess what? My brother sitting on my bed.

I said "Greg! What are you doing here?" Greg rolled his eyes "Can't I visit my little brother?" Finally! I miss listening to another Irish accent except mine. Auntie sort of lost hers already and Darren doesn't really have his.

I smiled "Of course you can! But seriously. Why are you here?" Greg crossed his arms "I just wanted to see how you were doing!" I said "I'm doing fine actually. How about you and mom? How are you both doing?"

Greg stood up and walked around my room "she misses you so bad but she hasn't heard any bad news from Auntie so she's pretty fine. I'm doing fine as well"

Auntie's head popped in "Time to eat you two" Greg clapped his hands "Great"

We went downstairs to the kitchen. Erik smiled "Greg!" Greg said "Hey buddy!" they patted each others back. Greg patted Darren's head and gave Jaime a pinch on the cheeks.

Jaime said "Have you heard Niall was popular?" Greg's eyes grew wide and looked at me "Niaal? Popular? Is this a joke?" I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

Unlike me, Greg actually went to school but got beaten up a lot of times. That's probably one of the reasons why I was home schooled.

Jaime said "Yeah. He's with the popular kids" Darren said "Yeah. But he was already popular the moment he stepped in the school" Greg patted me hard on my back "Congrats little bro"

Darren said "Oh and he's also in this kind of "band". Have you heard him sing?" Greg smirked "Duh. He always sings in the shower" I punched Greg on the shoulder.

Jaime, Erik and Darren laugh. Auntie came with the dinner. "Eat up. Oh and Greg. How long will you be staying here?"

Greg looked at me and shrugged "Maybe after I hear Niall actually sing with his band" I looked at him "You can't. You have to go to my school" Greg winked "exactly"

WHAT? NO WAY. GREG IS NOT GOING TO MY SCHO-- wait. I said "We're gonna sing tomorrow. To one of my friend's crush. I don't really have a big part but still, you should listen to them."

Greg said "really. Alright then. I guess I'm going to your school tomorrow" The sooner the better anyway.

I said "Where are you gonna sleep anyway?" "Your room duh" Greaat.

Did I ever tell you Greg snores A LOT and it's very LOUD? Well, now I did. I couldn't sleep at all. I was lying down on my bed staring at the ceiling. Greg's snores were echoing everywhere.

The next day, we finally got in school.Greg was still coming around lunch time. Everyone was pretty excited for Liam. I was too if I wasn't so sleepy.

Zayn asked "Niall. Are you okay? Did you get any sleep last night?" I shook my head "My brother came to visit and his snores makes it physically impossible for me to sleep" they chuckled. I looked at Liam "don't worry. The sleepiness will wear off by lunch time."

Liam laughed "Okay Niall" as if right on cue, Danielle passed by. Liam said "Oh. Hi Danielle" Danielle said "Hi Liam." I closed my eyes and leaned on one of the lockers. Danielle asked "is Niall okay?"

Liam chuckled "he's fine. He just wasn't able to sleep last night" I opened my eyes again just to smile at Danielle.Danielle laughed "alright. See you later guys" we all waved good bye.

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