Chapter 13

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GIF of Harry. --->>>


Harry's POV

"Thank you so much guys" Ms. Tiffany smiled at us. I waved my hand "No problem"

We were still in the party. They were no alcohol the drinks are all sodas and fruit juices. Niall managed to eat almost everything and still have girls staring at him with googly eyes. Liam was talking with Louis near the window and I think Zayn's outside, smoking. So this leaves me and Ms. Tiffany alone.

I pulled back my hair in one swift motion and coughed. I slowly asked "So Ms. Tiffany, are you dating anyone?" Ms. Tiffany giggled like a little girl "well actually yes Harry. Why?" WHAT? SHE IS? I calmly asked "who?"

"Oh some man I met a few years ago. He wasn't able to come today though. He was a little busy" my heart broke into a million pieces. And I though we had something together. I forced a smiled and said "I see. Well I better go drink some..uhm..fruit juice I guess"

Ms. Tiffany smiled "sure Harry. For a while actually, you looked like Michael, you know, my boyfriend" I smiled "that's cool" Great. No wonder she's been so nice to me.

I left her as soon as I can and walked over to the drinking table. I just drank 3 bottles of apple juice. "You okay Harry?" I turned around. It was Niall, some sort of chocolate fell on his shirt. I chuckled "I'm alright"

Niall laughed "you drank 3 glasses of apple juice already!" I rolled my eyes "looks who's talking. You ate half the table!" Niall pretended to look offended "How dare you!?" I chuckled.

"Hey you guys" It was Zayn this time. And he smelled like cigarettes. I smiled "Hey Zayn?" Niall asked "have you been smoking?" Zayn chuckled "yes Niall. I smoke. I'm sorry" Niall just said "oh" and nodded.

Louis and Liam were still talking about something. Probably those girls that they have recently met. I looked at Zayn and Niall "When are you guys gonna find some girls?" Zayn shrugged and Niall just chuckled.

They have girls drooling over them! They should just find one but then again, I haven't found "the one" yet either. Zayn said "I need someone who would put up with me always fixing my hair or something" I chuckled. Zayn did fix his hair a lot.

Niall laughed. He was home schooled his whole life so he probably doesn't know how to act with girls.

Liam and Louis finally came. Liam said "hey guys. You wanna go somewhere else already? It's already kinda boring here" we all nodded. We walked to Ms. Tiffany and said goodbye we also said a goodbye to Sarah who was still forcing us to stay but after a while, she finally let us go.

Louis drove us to a mall where we decided to watch a movie then go bowling. After that he dropped us all home.

Gemma said "How was the party?" I shrugged "they all loved us" Gemma smirked and rolled her eyes.

The next day, Louis wanted to have a sleepover at his house. Since my mom knew Louis so well anyway she allowed me.

Gemma drove me there. I could see Zayn's dad's car drop of Zayn already. And after a while, Niall's car arrived too, dropping off Niall and Liam.

We all walked to Louis' front door together. I knocked. No one answered. I knocked again.

Zayn said "how come no one's answering?" I decided to open the door myself and when I did. BOOM! A hundred streamers went to my face.

Louis was there standing, holding a stuff toy carrot "Welcome to the Tomlinson home!" I wiped my face "I've been here already Louis" Louis stuck his tongue out "I was talking to Liam and Niall!"

Niall and Liam chuckled. There were some streamers on their hair. Zayn was combing his hair again, trying to get the streamers out.

Louis gave as a bunch of movies to choose from and since it was Liam who spoke up first "Toy Story!" we decided to just watch that one. And as usual, Niall finished his popcorn even though we're not yet even half-way to the movie.

Louis didn't want to give Niall some carrot cake and they fought the whole time. Zayn and Liam were actually really watching the movie and I was too busy laughing at Louis and Niall.

When the movie ended, Louis lost and Niall had carrot cake all over his mouth. Liam and Zayn were actually surprised and clueless and didn't know what happened.

We went to Louis room. There were actually a lot of pillows. This only means...Louis screamed "PILLOW FIGHT!" he grabbed a pillow and hit Niall hard. Probably for the carrot cake.

I grabbed one myself and hit Zayn's back. You do not want to mess up his hair. Liam grabbed one and hit my face. "Sorry Harry!" I hit him back. I felt someone throw a pillow at my bum. It was Niall. He was holding another pillow and right before Louis was about to hit him he turned around and hit him on the face.

I saw Liam ran up to Zayn and Zayn was running to me. I got my pillow ready. I was about to hit Zayn when Louis tackled me and went on top of me. And wow Louis was really heavy. Plus he's freaking 3 years older than me!

I felt someone go on top of Louis. It was Niall. Holy crap I can't breathe. Liam said "guys! Harry's gonna pop like a balloon!" and instantly the 2 boys went off me. Now it's my chance. I grabbed to pillows and hit both of them on the face until they fell down on more pillows.

Now it's only Liam and Zayn. They both only had one pillow in their hands. They looked at each other and attacked me at the same time. Even though I had two pillows, I was nothing compared to them. I fell on the floor.

It took about 15 minutes for Liam and Zayn to finish their fight and in the end. Zayn won. We all clapped and he gets to pick where he'll sleep.

He picked the bed and he'll be sharing with Liam and Niall. Louis and I will be on the floor. We were all tired and after a while, we all fell asleep.

The next day, Louis woke us all up. It was time for school. It took Niall forever to wake up. After an hour, we were all ready. We ate a nice breakfast of pancakes and orange juice.

It's Monday today so it means we'll be meeting Ms. Tiffany. I'm not really in the mood to see her. Louis asked me "you okay Haz? You seem suddenly depressed" I shook my head "I'm fine Boobear"

Zayn coughed and Liam and Niall were laughing. I rolled my eyes. It's perfectly normal for me and Lou to have nicknames for each other!

We walked to the recording room together. Ariana, Elizabeth, Gabe, Sam and Spencer were there already.

As we walked in, Ariana said "Our Principal said Ms. Tiffany was sick" Thank god. Louis said "ah. That's too bad. Then he winked at me. I rolled my eyes. I never told him what happened.

Gabe asked me "are you guys an official band now?" We all looked at each other and shrugged.

Ariana said "well. You guys are pretty great. You'll be really successful if you really make a band!" Elizabeth slowly agreed. Between you and me, Elizabeth freaks me out. She reminds me of some emo chick.

And personally, I think she's kind of eyeing Zayn.

We had an hour to do nothing. So I may as well get to know them. Niall said to Ariana "I like your hair" Ariana smiled "I like your accent! It's so cute!" Ariana has a really sweet and high voice.

Niall and Ariana would look cute together. Like brothers and sisters.

Liam said to the three boys "You guys should form a band!" Sam shook his head "Nah. We'll only be second best to you guys" Zayn winked "thanks"

Elizabeth was pretty quiet. Okay. Creepy.

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