Chapter 12

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Picture of the boys (I don't own) -->>


Liam's POV

Niall walked over to me looking worried. I asked him "What's up? You hungry or something?" Niall rolled his eyes "Haha Liam. No. I think Darren's been avoiding me"

I asked him "how can he avoid you? You guys are related!" Niall said "I Know but he's been locking himself up in his room and he barely looks at me when we eat together" I was worried "Let's talk to him later" Niall nodded.

We were interrupted by Louis suddenly charging out of nowhere. "HEY YOU GUYS!" we laughed "Hey Lou"

So far we made the first verse of our song, which, as usual will be sang by me. Harry wanted to bring out our "sensitive side"

Louis said "Have you seen Harry or Zayn? I haven't seen them so far" we shook our heads. Louis pouted then his face suddenly lit up again. Niall raised his eyebrows then turned around. He looked back at me then pointed to where Louis was looking.

It was the girl every one was talking about. Eleanor Calder, the model. She really did look like a model. I nudged Lou. He rolled his eyes.

Niall said "talk to her" Louis shook his head "Nah. I'm not like Harry or anything. I won't get her attention" I crossed my arms "not if you don't try"

Louis looked at me first then Niall then Eleanor. Louis sighed "Alright" he walked over towards the girl. After a while they were having a conversation and they were both laughing.

Niall and I high-fived. Niall smiled "now it's your turn." I looked at him "huh?" she pointed his head towards the lockers. Oh. It was Danielle.

Niall pushed me "go on. I'll just look for Harry" and in a minute, he was gone. I sighed and walked towards Danielle.

"Hi Danielle" "oh. Hey Liam. How are you?" "I'm doing great! How about you?" Danielle smiled "I'm fine. Do you have anymore upcoming concerts?" she winked.

I shook my head and laughed "No. But someone asked us to perform for her sister's birthday" Danielle nodded "You guys must be great if she chose you" I blushed "not really." Danielle laughed.

The bell rang. Danielle smiled "well. See you later Liam!" I waved "see you" I walked towards my first class. Zayn was in class but Harry wasn't. I asked Zayn "Where' Harry?" Zayn shrugged looking concerned.

I sat down beside Niall and looked for Darren and Kirk. They were actually in front this time. I asked Niall "did you talk tot hem yet?" Niall shook his head "how about you? Did you talk to..uhm.." "Danielle" "...Danielle yet?" I nodded. Niall winked at me.

Louis said "We should go over to Harry's later. Maybe he's sick or something" we nodded.

After class ended, Louis drove us to Harry's huge house. Since Harry knew Louis and Zayn his whole life, they didn't need to knock. We entered the huge house and climbed to Harry's room.

There he was lying down on his bed. Zayn said "Harry? Are you sick?" Harry looked at us "Oh hey guys. What are you doing here?" Louis sort of chuckled 'Harry! You didn't go to school today!" Harry groaned "I overslept. But hey. I finished our song"

Niall and I said at the same time "You did?" Harry nodded and smiled. He pointed to his desk "It's there" Louis got there first and grabbed the sheet of paper. Lou smiled "not bad" Harry laughed "thanks"

Harry's sister knocked on the door "Harry-- oh hello Harry's friends" we all mumbled "hi" she asked "do you guys want to stay for dinner?" We looked at each other.

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